Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Countdown has Started

To the weekend - that is.

I was exhausted all day yesterday.
When you talk to pregnant people (you are not too close to), or read about it, you rarely get the idea that being pregnant kinda sucks at times.
I don't know how it was for "you" but;

*I can't sleep properly (Haven't slept for 8h straight for like a month). This is due - so far - of the bed being too small. It's not actually too small, but it is when I need to have a certain position to be able to sleep.

*Back Pain - my back is killing me.... it constantly hurts!

*Tired - I am always tired, I get easily tired after doing things

*Everything smells very strong

*Accept that the guy never really get's it that your pregnant...

*All the don'ts - Don't tan, Don't carry heavy things, Don't eat this, Don't drink that, Don't sleep like this, Don't, don't, don't, don't....

So what can you do when you're pregnant?

- Suck it up that you put yourself in the situation

- Enjoy the small things - the special parking spots for pregnant people, the fact that you don't have to carry things, the baby kicking, the extra attention

Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about Sophia, but there are days - like today, when I haven't slept well for a month, and when my back is killing me - that it's less nice!

Also, I would give anything for a nice cigarette and some wine right now, just FYI, but that's not happening anytime soon.


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