I've kept busy since a while back.
I went on an insane weekend to Istanbul.
AES had a board meeting, or was it AES-IC!?
The boys were in meetings all day (night) so Bettinets and I enjoyed our new found freedom as it should be, with some wine, and a bit of sightseen of course.
I finally managed to see the blue mosque, it was not blue.
Not on the outside at least.
The comment of the day was:
"The traffic is horrible, so I will take a shortcut, but just so you know, it will be more expensive"
- How can a shortcut be more expensive? Wouldn't the word in itself imply a shorter way, hence less expensive?
Anyways, the weekend started with wine on the bus from Ankara with Esat and I don't think my system even had time to miss the wine until I was back in Ankara.
That is a story that will take a few days to tell, so maybe not tonight.
That trip started with a man selling chickens in Asti and ended with a restaurant hunt in the most conservative city of Turkey.
Now I started my internship at AES.
This week Mustafa will have the pleasure to spend time with me.
Mustafa takes care of everything that has some kinda technology.
I find it hilarious I will even spend a week there since technology and I are not friends!
Today I wrote down phone nrs and pin codes...
I don't think Mustafa trustes me with technology, this might be because he was the one who took care of the wine incident!?
Other than that!?
I had an amazing weekend. Very good company and... I'm not sure I can say much more than that.
I have to sleep now if I don't want to fall asleep in Esats office tomorrow.
Bisous les enfants!