Thursday, April 30, 2015

Busy week

It is, and has been, a busy week.
Today is children's day here and Sophia is enjoying some amazing water slides at school right now.
I haven't really decided what to do in the afternoon.
Maybe go eat, go to our favorite book store and have ice cream.

I give you pictures of my garden and my baby.

Leon's Birthstory

Sunday 9 November 2014
Water birth

Almost a week before my due date, I woke up with what could be described as a light contraction.
It was 7 am.
I decided to wait and see if it was something that was going to happen again - or if it was just my body practicing.
There was also some bleeding.
I was hoping this was it.

An hour later I had another one, and then another one an hour later.

At this point I mentioned it to Memo. Saying that this could mean that it has started - slowly.

We had been to the doctor the day before where he had estimates the baby's weight to 3,5 kg (that is more than Sophia weigh, born in week 41).

I told Memo we should go to Costco to buy the things we need for the week.
In case this was the real deal I wanted everything ready.
We left and now contractions were coming 20 min apart - which really isn't that bad. They were still easy to breath through.
Coming out of Costco we opted for pizza since we didn't know when the baby would decide not speed things up.

Sitting there contractions were starting to come 15 min apart, and stronger. I started feeling uncomfortable.
We went home and they disappeared.

I decided to start cleaning the house - sweep, mop - move around to start the labor again.

I had another contraction - it had been an hour since the last one.

They started coming back - stronger. At 2 I asked Memo to call the doctor, just to let him know it had started.
I also texted Francia - my amazing friend -who we had decided would watch Sophia, again, only to let her know something was up.

I kept cleaning and contractions kept on coming.
I stopped cleaning at some point and started watching a Swedish show on YouTube to take my mind off the pain.

I had decided that I would spend as much time as possible at home - so that I wouldn't fall for the temptation of getting an epidural - which proved to be a horrible mistake with Sophia.
Contractions were still fine and I put Sophia to bed at 6. She - luckily - fell asleep straight away for once.

I had to leave her room in a rush as a pretty strong contraction came.
Here we go.
They started coming closer and stronger and I asked Memo to tell Francia to come now.

I remember he freaked out because she didn't pick up straight away - she was in the shower. Memo's biggest fear with this pregnancy was not arriving to the hospital on time - having to deliver the baby himself.

She finally got back to him and said she would head over.
It felt like an eternity since contractions were coming stronger and closer.

As I mentioned, I was decided on arriving to the hospital after 7 cm.
So when Francia arrived, even if the contractions were tough I decided to wait for a bit and get into the shower.

At this point life was getting tough.
I come to the point where you throw up - which I knew meant the end was closer than I thought.
I stayed in the shower for maybe 5 contractions more.
I remember Memo asking me to leave all the time, while I constantly answered that I wanted to wait ' just one more contraction'.

I managed to get dressed - I honestly don't know how.
Contractions were hard now and I just wanted to scream - I scared poor Francia into a fear of child birth haha - I remember going down the stairs, and hurrying into the car before the next contraction because the neighbors were outside.
I had one contraction upstairs just before heading down and another one as soon as I got into the car - they were close.

Since it was Sunday night traffic was light, Memo was driving very calmly which was great - try hitting a speed bump while contracting!
By the time we arrived to the hospital I started the 'pushing contractions'.

The poor boy coming with a wheelchair was yelled at... Oh well. Memo left the car outside of the entrance of the hospital - I mean just outside. I guess he thought he would have time to come back to move it.

I got into the ER and felt like it took forever for our -amazing- doctor to come, I think it took like 2 contractions so maybe we waited (max) 10 min.

He came, tried talking to me, checked how dilated I was.
He turned around, called the nurses to fill the pool.

I remember thinking 'yay" that means things are near the end.

I was rolled up, Memo by my side.
We got into the pool - somehow - and it was an instant relief.
Some might remember that we tried to have a water birth with Sophia and it wasn't possible.

The contractions were tough by now, some kind of mix between the dialation and pushing ones.
I was starting to get tired.
Just as I had to with Sophia I had to push for quite sometime - not just the average 45 min or as some women experience: on the second push.
No we are talking an hour and a half or two.

At some point I heared the pediatrician snor - we had a laugh in between contractions.

Contractions continued. At some point I went into myself, almost sleeping, trying to build up energy for the contraction.
We tried different positions. The ones that worked the best was to 'hang' in the rings and squat - I guess.

Finally things were moving forward.
As he was coming out I laid down (I think I forgot to mention that Memo was sitting behind me in the pool the entire time).
It was the last (two) push.
I managed to get Leon's head out - similar to Sophia and remember thinking ' I am just gonna push, no contraction - push his body out'
Last push - Memo pushes as hard as I did - it sounded funny.
He was out.
That feeling is amazing. The pain is gone. No more.
It's instant.

The doctor put Leon on my chest - and in difference to Sophia he was screaming. I remember it felt weird. Sophia just made a noice and then just laid there watching the world.

Everyone commented on how similar they look.
Identical really.

Sunday 9 November 23:30
51 cm
3,6 kg

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My garden

Here are a few pictures of my garden. Sprouting already - I am so happy. We put;
Bell peppers
Beet root
And in the red containers: tomatoes

I am waiting for my potatoes to sprout and then I will put those down too

Friday, April 24, 2015


I feel like starting the weekend early.
To-do list today

* wash car
* buy soil (both of which were on yesterday's list)
* Sophia is going on a date with Memo tonight.
* figure out what to have for lunch

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Details of our house

Second part.

A table cloth my aunt Stina did.
A few books.
Details from the kids rooms

New Header

If you read this on a phone you do not see the same design as on a computer.
Today I changed the header - the picture on top - I felt it was time to include Leon.

This is the new picture

Now I need to get started.
Pick the mess up, finish lunch and on the way to pick Sophia up I need to clean the car - or better yet, have someone clean the car for me.
Today we are supposed to get the earth for my garden project - I am stoked.

Have a great day

Something missing

Changing countries a lot inevitably makes you loose friends. Of course you also gain some, but I would say that in the long run you will be in the negative.

I have gotten used to the idea - but there are a few people that it hurts to think about.
A few people I wish I wouldn't have lost contact with, a few people I wish I could pick up the phone to call - or better yet go over for a glass of wine and talk the night away.

Someone once told me that if you haven't heard from the person for over 1 and a half you are no longer considered friends.
Pretty sound words, if you ask me.

I have to admit. I am not the best at keeping in touch. I am much better at being a friend when we live in the same city - and sometimes not even that.

I'd like to say:
I am sorry.

I probably miss you - talking to you, sharing experiences and laughing.

It was good times.

Being an expat is lonely at times. Superficially you meet a lot of people, but to fulfill your need for closeness (friendly) and sharing secrets or more private problems - you are pretty much on your own.

I shouldn't complain though. I have met a few great people here in Mexico.
Hopefully we will continue 'being friends'.
But as I said, sometimes my mind slips to those close talks we had in my apartment in Paris.
To those walks along the Themes in London.
To the bus rides to high school or to those talks looking over the pacific in Panama.

People you considered family or close friends disappearing - most of the time life passes by so fast you do not even notice, but then something makes you think about them and it hurts - missing them hurts.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Panerad torsk, kokad potatis, stuvad spenat och dillsås.

Nothing more is needed to say

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Addiction (2.0)

This is my favorite water - cucumber-lemon. I would love it even more with less sugar - but in the end I drink liters anyways.

Family & Friends

Here are a few (or maybe a lot) of pictures from the event Memo and I held in Vallarta a month or so ago.
We wanted to gather family and a few friends to a nice party - that also was a kind of wedding ceremony.

I hope that everyone had a great afternoon, I only wish we could have invited more people - the are restricted the amount of invitations to 40.