Friday, May 31, 2013

The Best

Sophia is the best.
She let me sleep until 8:15 this morning before waking up.

I needed that after going to bed at 01.30 am... or maybe even later.

Its finally Friday,  and I hope we will be going to sophias gym class. I voted yes to start this week, Memo voted for next month,  since right now we have equal incomes; we have an equal amount of votes. .. lets see if I was able to convince him to change his vote.

Long day with triple O's

The day has been long.
I just finished with everything 20 min ago - at 00.30.
Cleaning, Sophia - who is teething again, her molars, FUN! at least it explains her mood lately - Fer came over for some French talk about Paris and I've been with my face infront of Excel the whole night trying to figure out tables and such stuff.

To bed now...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Perfect weather

It feels like swedish summer today, it's windy but sunny. The perfect mix of warm and chilly.

We are at the play ground enjoying the weather and a fika; banana, cookies (healthy ones), water and watermelon juice I made yesterday - no sugar added.

Mmmm...sophia is going down for a nap as we come home and then I can tend to my business!

Good Choice

Seems like we made a good choice going to Texas, even if it is only for vacations.
I particularly like point 2 & 7 and point 9 feels very reassuring!

You can read what I am talking about here: LINK

Ps. it could be interesting for you to read Yulia since you just moved over there!

Here's a little sneak peak on how our vacation will be!

Letting some steam out

I know, I have been bombarding you all with posts today, but I promise you... this is the last one.

I didn't want to write it while Sophia was awake because I am not sure the subject will rub off on my mood this evening, and I wouldn't want her to suffer for it.

It's about what, or more like who, has been lost. People who meant something to me, who I thought were close to me, who were pretty much family. It hurts when you try to stay in touch, keep that bond, keep the connection, and you get nothing back.

I know I shouldn't care, I should actually, as the poster says: Rise above it.

But it is not that easy to stop caring I guess. People who you shared some of your most intimate moments with... in the end, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is that, I wouldn't care about them being lost if I still didn't consider them as pretty much family. 

So I guess the only thing I can do is to remember the good times we had as a family, and try to create similarly good times with my new little amazing family!

That is only one of all the things on my mind, the other is what happened this spring. 

To make it easier, and I guess more cryptic I will post a few posters that I felt suit the moment.


There is not much to add to these three posters. If not that I guess for both parties they are difficult to learn, understand and actually live by. 

This one is true for the people I care about. I guess the point is that if I insult you, treat you badly or disrespect you in any way it is, most likely, because you either did something or said something that was offensive to me or someone I care a lot about. I guess Memo could vouch for this one, I have never raised my voice at home, nor said anything bad without him having done something or said something first (for an extended amount of time). And not only that, I will let most of it "slide", i.e. it piles up inside me, I will even ask nicely to stop so that the relationship isn't damaged, but when the last drop hits the glass, it will all start pouring over, and that is not a pretty sight. I know for a fact I go to far, and I do not have a problem apologizing if I was in the wrong, BUT do not expect me to apologize first if you attacked me, if you ignored me when I asked you to stop, if you disrespected me. I will apologize when you apologize for the reason I offended you in the first place. I guess below poster applies to me pretty well, although I do believe actions are FAR more difficult to forgive than words. Insult me - fine, I will insult you back, we will calm down and talk about it, apologize and try to move on. Throw me out (or alike) - and forgiving becomes much more complicated.


And now to the last three. I guess they should have been in the opposite order, but what the heck.
The last one is really a lesson I need to learn. I need to stop holding on to anger, disappointment, and quite honestly some people. The middle one needs no comments, and the first one is another lesson I, and others should learn (friends changed for people).

And finally...

Say what?!

Sophia took a 3 1/2 h nap today.
I had to go check if she was alive Like 3 times.

Her mood seems to be pretty normal for her age, at least it seems so after having looked around on blogs I read by mothers with babies the same age as her.
She is right now acting like a teenage girl pmsing. Oh well, it will pass.
People seem to think she is going through some stage and need extra assurance and closeness.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Help, please

I do not want to look like I have been working hard in the coal mine over the past month:

How, dear shy readers do I get rid of food coloring/ colorante/ karamellfärg from my hands?

Play doh and temper problems

Poor Sophia, she's having quite big problems with her temper/mood.

It is not always a joy to be around her - although I know the poor thing probably is more frustrated than I am.

On another note, I just made play doh. Real easy.

1 cup of flour
Mix with 1/4 cup salt
Which you then add 1/4 cup water to - add more if needed.
Then add colors (food coloring) or for sent and color "cool aid" or alike.

Also, you can always follow me on Instagram - I upload different pictures there. Name?




Now that I have calmed down from the drama earlier today I can take time to write again.

Our trip, our second vacation abroad as a family - ALONE. Que emocion no?
We will be going for 6 days to San Antonio, Texas.
There are three reasons we are going there;
  1. There are two big outlet malls that Memo always talks about around there. 
  2. It was pretty cheap going there.
  3. Yulia, my good university friend recently moved to Dallas, and I wanted to try to get as close as possible (considering 1 &2) so I could hopefully meet up with her. 
We will arrive at night on day 1 and head straight to the hotel to sleep. Day 2 we will be picking up the rental car, and head straight for the San Marcos outlet. 
The next day, which will be a Saturday I hope we can plan a trip to meet Yulia + squeeze in a visit to IKEA (YAY) in Austin.
Day three will be a day to explore the city (SA); playgrounds, The Kiddie Park (the oldest kids amusment park in the States) and the river walk. 
The 4th day we will be hitting Sea World, and especially the Sesame Street land they have for toddlers, and a few of the shows. 
Last day we will be going back to the San Marcos outlet to see if we can find any last minute bargains, at night we will be coming back to SA only to go to an outdoor movie organized by Slab Cinema - how exciting no? It's a cartoon and we will be bringing a blanket, snacks and have loads of fun!

I cannot wait for this. 

It is not only to celebrate Memo graduating from his Masters, but also for the three of us to get away, relax, enjoy and love each other. 
We have had a rough spring with family problems, no time for our little family and the normal toddler life I guess. 

We deserve this trip.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What a day

It's only eleven, but the world almost ended this morning.

Let me fill you in no?

Firstly,  we booked our trip to San Antonio. 6 days of shopping, sea world, Ikea and meeting up with Yulia (I hope).
So imagine my horror this morning when I cannot find my wallet (it comes with my visa card and my life long residence permit).
After having called Memo and Wal mart I could, with tears in my eyes, only admit I fucked up.
I would have to order a new visa card from my swedish bank, have my mom activate it and then send it here by dhl - doable in 20 days but unnecessary.  I would also have to get a new residence card - trips down town to palacio federal, and costs of around $300 (dollars not pesos), and no assurance it would take less than 20 days. Fun times.

As I had just put sophia down for her nap and started feeling sorry for myself Memo called.
His mom had found it at Sams club next to walmart.


Monday, May 27, 2013


Here are the photos Memo took of us on friday at sophias gym class

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gym class

We were busy to day.
For example with sophias gym class.
Pictures up tomorrow

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Parental leave

This maternity leave cant finish soon enough.
I want to use my brain for the things I studied - our business idea.
Only 6 months left!


We started laying puzzles with sophia. It wasnt until last week she started putting the pieces right.

She seems to enjoy it a lot.

Shes also doing good with animals and now also knows how the elefant sounds, she is also sure about another few animals, although I do not agree with her on the sound.

Diaper wise we're down to one diaper a day, the night one. Day time she is without one and stays dry most days. It does seem she can hold it - poo for sure she holds it, but I am starting to notice her holding the pee too - there will come a drop or two, we go to the toilet and she lets it come.

She also does this new thing and comes and try to literary pick me up if she wants me to go with her.she also pretend eats and drinks in her kitchen, shes so cute chewing air!

Well well, we're also down to one nap a day - and it is time now.

I also give you a picture of my mothersday gift.


Did I ever show you the view from our bedroom?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Widows and avocado

The maid is here cleaning the windows - what a difference ey!

Our lunch today is this- Spicy lime chicken
Of course with greek yogurt, not cream

Also, i will make some chickpea snack tomorrow, i have great expectations.

Its already Wednesday,  wow.  O  friday we're most likely hitting Gymboree for some baby gym class, socializing and just having fun.

Non, je ne regrette RIEN

Amazing song, amazing singer

And very true

If you haven't seen the movie about her life, La Vie en Rose, DO IT!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It's my time to rest and I am remembering to write a little something here.
We just came back from the playground, and the store, and Sophia is knocked out.

Who knows why, but she decided to wake up at 6.30 this morning - WTF. I do not remember when that happened last time, almost since February I think.
Oh well, I am thus also very tired, and might take a little nap soon so that I have energy for the energy ball - aka Sophia, French in the afternoon, and the normal amount of cleaning and cooking.

We're having Garlic Tuscan Chicken which I know was a great hit last time we had it, so I am looking forward to lunch today.
About what we have been eating lately, I will post something during the week. There's one dish of potato that I will really recommend, but the rest has been so so.


To explain the recent absence here on the blog i ask you to look up the weather report of Guadalajara.

It is warm, no... not the way you think it is around the Mediterranean in august,  i mean freaking, 24/7 sweating,  wanting to be naked warm.

So, when it is this warm we try to take it easy during the worst hours - until the sun sets.
And then i always forget to update.

We don't do much, go to the park,  plannig a vacation to San Antonio, and trying to come up with better recipes for the business idea.
The usual.

Sophia is doing great if you were wondering. 80 cm and 10, 6 kg...
Always on the move.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Sophia threw my phone in the toilet - that is usually how I blog.

I have put the phone and the battery in a bag of unboiled rice, so that the rice takes all the humidity, hoping this will make my phone work again.

I will blog from the Ipad tomorrow.

Friday, May 10, 2013


If you find yourself crying at the lunch table on mothers day and it isn't tears of joy - you know something is wrong.

Nothing too dramatic, just the usual disappointment.

But, important side note:
I love sophia more than life itself.  Being a mother is amazing.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


We went to the playground again this morning..

Fun times


You know that person who always has an opinion on how you do things, or what you do, but who knows nothing about it!?

I very much dislike them.

If they would know what they are talking about,  have adequate experience or facts to back them up - fine!

It's like someone who had maids raise their children and then think they know much about childcare.
I  am no expert at taking care of children,  but I am an expert taking care of Sophia - how is that?  Well, let me tell you,  I research every thing before I make a decision.

For example;  before wanting sophia to have her vaccinations done, in particular tuberculosis,  I looked up the pros and cons, and we decided as parents to do it.
Now, in mexixo you nowadays need this vaccine in order to go to school as our pediatrician informed us, it is actually done at birth.
Yet somehow,  sophia didnt get her vaccine there,  we wanted it,  it is normally done, our pediatrician recommended it yet... magically he had been informed not to do it.

When six months later I find out it wasn't done, insted of just doing it it needs justification - who knew? Memo still wanted it, I wanted it, the pediatrician insisted on having it done, yet... non logical, non medical arguments were pulled out...

Until the doctor bluntly said; to not vaccinate a child because they will not spend time with poor people is dangerous, it is a deadly desease that can actually attack the brain.
And then finally the shot was given,  6 months too late, respect had been lost all over again, but sophia is safe.

THOSE are the kind of people I do not like.
I believe in making informed decisions. I do believe these are poasible to make online if you use reliable sources, sometimes you might just be better informed than your doctor.

Stand up for yourselves!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life in Mexico

I havent really taken time to tell you, secret readers, how we live down here this (3d) time.

I loved it here as an exchange student 3 years ago, and I am liking it this time too.

A normal day:
We wake up between 7.30 - 8 in the morning - woken up by a tiny voice saying "mama". I take her into our room and she watches a cartoon for 30 min on the Ipad.

We head down for breakfast, toast with butter,  milk and a fruit.
And then we hit the bathroom, tooth brushing (which she loves), reading books and of course - pee and poop.

We then have about 2 more hours of play time, either at home or at the playground.
If we stay here I try to do some random cleaning at the same time.
Sophia loves her mega blocs,  throwing balls, reading books, drawing and "organizing" things.

Nap time comes and I just put her down and put on some "Rockabye baby" and leave, sometimes she falls asleep straight away, sometimes it takes 10-15 min.
Usually she sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours. This is her only nap a day, so I always pray for closer to two hours.

While she sleeps I clean up whatever mess is todays task, but also try to rest. When it's starting to get close to her wake up time I make her lunch. A favorite is sausage, pasta and veggies, as well as pasta bolognese.

She eats when she wakes up, while she eats I refill the pool with new water, and when she's done with eating, and going to the toilet we get ready for the pool.

After about an hour we get up since its time to make lunch for us adults, sophia then plays in her kitchen or with the spices.

At 3 memo gets home we eat, sophia snacks,  clean up, memo locks himself in his study room and we play until its dinner time, milk time, toilet time, bath time and finally bed time (7-8).
Same here I put her down, put on the music and tell her I love her ans good night,  and leave.

This is my time to shine, I need to pick up the mess of the day, and clean the floor that is supposed to be done that day (remember my cleanig schedule? ).
Buy I usually read for about an hour before I get started.
I usually finish with enough time to take a shower before memo gets here around 10, he has dinner (I dont like to eat that late), we watch a show or two, and sleep around 11.30 - 00.

Those are our days, weekdays.

It's not always fun, and I cant wait for memo to finish his masters so we actually can spend some time together.
Right now we have maybe an hour a day, which in my eyes is not a decent way to live a family life.

He finishes in june-ish, I will try to find a job for december, january and we will see when baby number to fits in.

Life here is nice, very tiring,  but also giving.
Its always be warm, very few days are not sunny. I am actually looking forward to rain season starting in about a month.  Will be nice with a cooler climate (after the rain).

I guess another mission is to find a good baby sitter so we can go to the movies or out for dinner sometimes.
Memo goes out from time to time, decides he has the right to work out everyday and go cut his hair etc (anyone who has a child knows this is not a given), I have not had any planned time away from sophia since ever (once or twice in Sweden), I have wanted to cut my hair since I arrived in january and would love to be given time to work out (that is not at 9 at night when I am totally exhausted)...
So I cant wait for memo to finish school so we can finally start to equal out this relationship!


Yesterday we spent the morning at the park. Its not too warm in the morning so its nice.
Although, it quickly got warmer we stayed maybe 30 min.

The daytime temperature  right now is well above 30 (in the shadow) so we do not like to go out too much when its that bad.
We stay at home and sit in the pool.

We will be heading back to the park today, just waiting for the littlw lady who's in the bathroom.
Except for the occasional accident she is practically dry day time now. Yay

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I think sophia is frustrated. She has these awful temper tantrums all the time.
I am not the kind of mother that lets her do whatever she wants - although I am much softer when people are around, not because I am worried I about how I come off, but because they shouldn't have to suffer.

She is a little devil at times, but she is still pretty amazing so I wont give up yet! (: