I have, to my delight, found a weather "widget", as the blog language so nicely puts it, it is to your left.
There you can see the temperature and whether it is cloudy, rainy or sunny down here.
I am very excited.This seems to be yet another warm week.
And as you might understand, it's 23 in the shadow.
I sweated my ass of today walking from Tunus to the bus stop just down the Cinnah up-hill.
Tomorrow my to do list is rather simple;
* Spanish + quiz; I will study for it on the bus* Looong 4h break, during which I will (or at least I think) have lunch with Benoit (and Ayse?)
* Call DHL's Ankara office and try to sort the Blackberry issue out
* Endure 2h of Macro with, in my eyes, the worst professor ever
* Come home at 19 and crash asap in my bed
Short, concise yet it will be effective and spent in the sun.
I'm sorry for going on and on about the weather, but I like it!
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