I do not write about everything that happens to me, nor about too deep feelings, so that it's not too personal. The people that needs to know me knows me.
I've done quite a few bad things since I started writing this blog a year and a half ago, I've also experienced many awesome things (which of course you've been able to read about).
Many times when something bad has happened to me I've written about something negative. I've written about my view of what happened without mentioning it even closely. The people that are up to date on the matter will understand this, the ones who're not will only realize I might be having a bad day.
Anywho, I recommend anyone to write. At least for me it helps me channel my feelings and better understand them.
Afterwards I can more easily let things go, or at least think less about them. I can move on.
Of course it doesn't take away pain or memories but, for me at least, it's a way of putting it aside.
Just something that popped up in my mind while eating cheetos and drinking coke!
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