Today was all about the thesis.
But lets start at the beginning!
I met up with Nastia in school, where I also bumped into Carlos, Cassia, Yulia and Dia... good day!
We walked around a bit, had lunch and worked a bit on the Research Methods paper.
Afterwards we went to a lecture about leadership in crisis or something. It was amazing!!! Really good. A Swedish man who was in Phi Phi island when the tsunami hit, who told the story about how they organized the work when trying to help the survivors.
Afterwards we headed to Coffee house by George where we were supposed to meet up with Aaron, to talk about our thesis.
It went really well and now we have loads of information to work with!
Now, after a bit of wine and talking at Nastias, I just got home, had dinner n took a quick shower, I will hit the bed!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cosy night
Today has been a busy day, mostly spent in school.
Thesis, thesis, thesis... We had a seminar with our supervisor and the rest of the group, and it went well.
Last night before going to bed I took a 3h long bath, listening to spotify and wastching Gossip Girl.
It was awesome!!!
After our thesis meeting this afternoon, Nastia and I went around school like to hobo's for a while, looking for a cigarette and people to talk to. We found Dia and spent a while talking to him and his friend Ola.
Afterwards we went to Evergreen, got ourselves a Kebab pizza and went to Carlos place where we talked, ate and watched the latest episode of How I met your mother.
When it was over we spent almost an hour talking about random things and gossip, it was really nice and cosy.
At 8.30 he kicked us out because of some soccer game... sucker.
So now I am home, planning on watching some shows and resting, take a shower and mentally prepare to wake up early tomorrow to go to school and study with Nastia.
We will also visit the next step thingie in school, mostly to get candy but also to see what's new on the labour market.
Thesis, thesis, thesis... We had a seminar with our supervisor and the rest of the group, and it went well.
Last night before going to bed I took a 3h long bath, listening to spotify and wastching Gossip Girl.
It was awesome!!!
After our thesis meeting this afternoon, Nastia and I went around school like to hobo's for a while, looking for a cigarette and people to talk to. We found Dia and spent a while talking to him and his friend Ola.
Afterwards we went to Evergreen, got ourselves a Kebab pizza and went to Carlos place where we talked, ate and watched the latest episode of How I met your mother.
When it was over we spent almost an hour talking about random things and gossip, it was really nice and cosy.
At 8.30 he kicked us out because of some soccer game... sucker.
So now I am home, planning on watching some shows and resting, take a shower and mentally prepare to wake up early tomorrow to go to school and study with Nastia.
We will also visit the next step thingie in school, mostly to get candy but also to see what's new on the labour market.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Today has been a lazy day consisting of doing nothing so far.
The second half of the day should be consisting of reading an article or two and going to the store.
The cigarette bet is now off, but I think I will continue quitting anyways.
Tomorrow we have a meeting for our thesis. Yay...
The second half of the day should be consisting of reading an article or two and going to the store.
The cigarette bet is now off, but I think I will continue quitting anyways.
Tomorrow we have a meeting for our thesis. Yay...
So quitting smoking again, this is probably the 3d or 4th time this year. Yay, let's hope this is the final time.
Although I have to admit I love smoking and what it does to me, immediately (not in the long run of course).
Since my money stack is a bit low I also had to cut down a bit on coke. Not too popular, my body is addicted to both substances.
Oh well, cleansing weeks I suppose.
So yesterday wasn't too exciting for me. Being in a long distance relationship on valentines day doesn't become more exciting than a skype call.
Skype calls are awesome thou, a teaser, yet awesome.
Can't wait for memito to be here with me.
Anywho, yesterday was spent in school; lecture and library, and then home; bed studying, doing nails and eating candy while waiting for the skype call.
I also did some laundry and randomly cleaned some things around the house... bored, Yes sir!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Missing Mexico today...
Today I wish I was in Mexico.
I wish I could have dinner on the roof.
I wish I was drinking sparkling wine.
I wish I was looking over the city while the sun goes down.
I wish I could be with Memo.
But instead I am in Jönköping, listening to my Mexico playlist on spotify, eating candy, NOT smoking.
Not smoking since Mike, Patrick and I have a bet, the one who can go without smoking the longest. It's been a day, and the candy is almost over!!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Long time..
Yo, yo...
sorry about disappearing for a bit, but I've been sleeping, studying, cooking and cooking some more.
We had nastia's birthday party and the day after I had cleaning day all day... I cleaned everything, bathroom, kitchen and living room, and bed room of course.
I am also now officially a resident of this household. I paid rent, meaning I now have a say in what happens, not that it matters much.
Anywho, friday was also spent in the house because of a snowstorm, too windy and cold to go outside. Or, I did manage to go outside in the afternoon, had to buy some things in the store and "pant" some bottles.
Saturday I went to school to study with the girls, thesis stuff, but not before having lunch at Cafe Paus, salad time!
We stayed in school for a few hours, finished what was supposed to be finished and moved on to research.
Today is Sunday, sunday is a day made to rest on. I rested and studied, made food and yeah, that's about it.
Oh, also, yesterday I made food for the whole week, bbq chicken and rice, meatballs, tiny burgers.... awesome.
sorry about disappearing for a bit, but I've been sleeping, studying, cooking and cooking some more.
We had nastia's birthday party and the day after I had cleaning day all day... I cleaned everything, bathroom, kitchen and living room, and bed room of course.
I am also now officially a resident of this household. I paid rent, meaning I now have a say in what happens, not that it matters much.
Anywho, friday was also spent in the house because of a snowstorm, too windy and cold to go outside. Or, I did manage to go outside in the afternoon, had to buy some things in the store and "pant" some bottles.
Saturday I went to school to study with the girls, thesis stuff, but not before having lunch at Cafe Paus, salad time!
We stayed in school for a few hours, finished what was supposed to be finished and moved on to research.
Today is Sunday, sunday is a day made to rest on. I rested and studied, made food and yeah, that's about it.
Oh, also, yesterday I made food for the whole week, bbq chicken and rice, meatballs, tiny burgers.... awesome.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I am at the library after a nice little lunch with the girls.
Now on to studying, I will be reading someones thesis which is done on a subject that we can use on ours.
This will be done while drinking coke and having regular ciggi-times
Now on to studying, I will be reading someones thesis which is done on a subject that we can use on ours.
This will be done while drinking coke and having regular ciggi-times
Monday, February 7, 2011
Busy bee
Today I've been a busy bee... the train ride went fine, for all of you who might wonder. It was as boring as it should be, and I slept for maybe an hour or so.
Had a hot dog in Falköping, it was tasty.
At noon I arrived to good old J-town and headed to school straight away, where I met the girls for lunch without actually participating in the lunch.
There was an allergic reaction and that's about the all the drama we had.
After that we all headed to the library to start talking about the research we need to do for the thesis. And then we got started, I read three books about doing business in Mexico and it was so, so to be honest!
Then I went to Cassia's to pick up my clothes, went home, cooked, cleaned and now we're watching pranked.
Puss to you all...
Had a hot dog in Falköping, it was tasty.
At noon I arrived to good old J-town and headed to school straight away, where I met the girls for lunch without actually participating in the lunch.
There was an allergic reaction and that's about the all the drama we had.
After that we all headed to the library to start talking about the research we need to do for the thesis. And then we got started, I read three books about doing business in Mexico and it was so, so to be honest!
Then I went to Cassia's to pick up my clothes, went home, cooked, cleaned and now we're watching pranked.
Puss to you all...
Pie Cont.
So the pie came out great! It was very very tasty.
Anna-Karin and Vincent came over to taste it. She then came up with the idea of me staying at her place tonight, so now I am here.
We've had a productive night, consisting of folding clothes, eating more pie and a skype talk with Memo, she learnt his name now, no more Bobo.
Vincent also took part of the talk, and drewled his way through it.
We taught Memo what cross-country skiing is, a sport not so common in Mexico.
Now I will watch a serie or two and try to sleep. I will have a long day tomorrow starting around 6-7, continuing with a 4h30 train ride and some study time back in good old J-town.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
We just had dinner... it was very tasty; fish, potatoes and spinach with a sour cream sauce mmmm....
As you could guess by the title we're making pie, rasberry, blueberry crumble, mmmm!!!
Today we went to Virsbo to celebrate Elliots 9th birthday. It was nice, met my cousin Sara which is always great.
I will write after the pie is done, and I am in bed, but I wanted to let you see some pictures already now.
As you could guess by the title we're making pie, rasberry, blueberry crumble, mmmm!!!
Today we went to Virsbo to celebrate Elliots 9th birthday. It was nice, met my cousin Sara which is always great.
I will write after the pie is done, and I am in bed, but I wanted to let you see some pictures already now.
Vincent yesterday |
This is how I looked when I woke up |
The pie right now |
Findus |
My yummie food |
I already wrote about this once, but I will write a bit about it again... because I find it so very interesting.
The countries you guys come from.
Here's the "all time" (i.e. since june, when this website started counting the hits, although I created this blog 8 months earlier) nationalities.
Not a surprise, Sweden is on top... this could be because I am Swedish (no way you probably think) or because even when I am abroad I try to post it on times that fits the nordics!
The States comes second! WTF? Who in the states reads this blog?! I am not sure I know that many people over there at the moment, not well enough for them to be interested in me at least.
Some of the others are explainable as well, except for Marocco.... who's in Marrocco!??!? And why is this person, or persons reading!? Is it that interesting?!
Good for me! Maybe...
There's usually a few from Russia per day too... all russians I know are in Sweden.
It's interesting to see how many you are reading, but I rarely get comments, or a person answering whether the post is good or not:
Maybe some people could do it from time to time, just so that I know if what I write is even interesting.
Now we're heading to Virsbo, about an hour north of Västerås, to visit my cousin Sara who's son's birthday party it is today.
The countries you guys come from.
Here's the "all time" (i.e. since june, when this website started counting the hits, although I created this blog 8 months earlier) nationalities.
Not a surprise, Sweden is on top... this could be because I am Swedish (no way you probably think) or because even when I am abroad I try to post it on times that fits the nordics!
The States comes second! WTF? Who in the states reads this blog?! I am not sure I know that many people over there at the moment, not well enough for them to be interested in me at least.
Some of the others are explainable as well, except for Marocco.... who's in Marrocco!??!? And why is this person, or persons reading!? Is it that interesting?!
Good for me! Maybe...
There's usually a few from Russia per day too... all russians I know are in Sweden.
It's interesting to see how many you are reading, but I rarely get comments, or a person answering whether the post is good or not:
Maybe some people could do it from time to time, just so that I know if what I write is even interesting.
Now we're heading to Virsbo, about an hour north of Västerås, to visit my cousin Sara who's son's birthday party it is today.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
So today we spent the day in Stockholm. My sister had a class and my mom and I went as babysitters. To be honest I spent most of the time indoors asleep, the rest of the time we took a walk and had lunch.
Something new I have learnt today is; My sister panics when driving in places she doesn't know, but like, panic-panic... sweating, screaming, cursing. Not bad at all to be honest!
Anywho, afterwards we went to Riittas house, where I picked up my sweater I forgot in December and where we had a second lunch. Jonas was there.
Jonas is like a brother to me, I love him. He's actually my cousin, but we have more of a sibling relationship, not as much in recent years of course since I haven't spent that much time in Swedish soil, but when we meet it's nice.
Plus today he had some good news, he got engaged!
Congratulations to him!!!
Something new I have learnt today is; My sister panics when driving in places she doesn't know, but like, panic-panic... sweating, screaming, cursing. Not bad at all to be honest!
Anywho, afterwards we went to Riittas house, where I picked up my sweater I forgot in December and where we had a second lunch. Jonas was there.
Jonas is like a brother to me, I love him. He's actually my cousin, but we have more of a sibling relationship, not as much in recent years of course since I haven't spent that much time in Swedish soil, but when we meet it's nice.
Plus today he had some good news, he got engaged!
Congratulations to him!!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Mix up
Let's say the reason for which I went up to Västerås, well... it was wrong. Anywho, now I am here and I will enjoy my time to the fullest.
Tomorrow I will go to Stockholm with my sister, baby Vincent and mamma.
Mamma and I will take Vincent out for a walk while my sister is in class. And after that we're going to my aunt's place in Märsta. Nice nice!!
Have a great weekend...
Tomorrow I will go to Stockholm with my sister, baby Vincent and mamma.
Mamma and I will take Vincent out for a walk while my sister is in class. And after that we're going to my aunt's place in Märsta. Nice nice!!
Have a great weekend...
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Wednesday is supposedly akademien night...
But as last week I didn't go.
I did go to a pre-party thou, at Alexis place. Didn't even know he was going to be back in good old Jönköping!
Anywho, it was nice. Although, Ruben told me some scary news about Guadalajara. Not nice.
The day started with lunch at Pallas Athena with Mike and Alejandra... tzatziki is awesome. So I always fill half of my plate with tzatziki and the other half with either bread or potatoes, at times some mushrooms sneak in.
After that I headed to school, had a few fikas with people and went to the study counsellors office. After that I had another fika and it was decided to go shopping clothes for baby Vincent.
From there we headed to the library for some study time and then home bound.
The clothes I bought are so cute, I will show you all when he's got them.
Also, I sent my first CV today, and got an answer straight away... nice!!!
Have fun
I did go to a pre-party thou, at Alexis place. Didn't even know he was going to be back in good old Jönköping!
Anywho, it was nice. Although, Ruben told me some scary news about Guadalajara. Not nice.
The day started with lunch at Pallas Athena with Mike and Alejandra... tzatziki is awesome. So I always fill half of my plate with tzatziki and the other half with either bread or potatoes, at times some mushrooms sneak in.
After that I headed to school, had a few fikas with people and went to the study counsellors office. After that I had another fika and it was decided to go shopping clothes for baby Vincent.
From there we headed to the library for some study time and then home bound.
The clothes I bought are so cute, I will show you all when he's got them.
Also, I sent my first CV today, and got an answer straight away... nice!!!
Have fun
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
In bed...
I am in bed after a pretty productive day.
We finished our thesis proposal and sent it to the teacher. We also had some nice laughs and talks.
Mike and I cleaned the house and made awesome tasting food, breaded chicken in hot sauce and french fries.
Have fun
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