So quitting smoking again, this is probably the 3d or 4th time this year. Yay, let's hope this is the final time.
Although I have to admit I love smoking and what it does to me, immediately (not in the long run of course).
Since my money stack is a bit low I also had to cut down a bit on coke. Not too popular, my body is addicted to both substances.
Oh well, cleansing weeks I suppose.
So yesterday wasn't too exciting for me. Being in a long distance relationship on valentines day doesn't become more exciting than a skype call.
Skype calls are awesome thou, a teaser, yet awesome.
Can't wait for memito to be here with me.
Anywho, yesterday was spent in school; lecture and library, and then home; bed studying, doing nails and eating candy while waiting for the skype call.
I also did some laundry and randomly cleaned some things around the house... bored, Yes sir!
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