Just came back from Soriana where I bought some christmas scented floor cleaner - I love it!
Only washing the floors left - to Christmas music of course - and then I gotta start with lunch - meat and mashed potatoes.
Yesterdays amazing meatballs and pasta lunch was destroyed by that stupid Mexican travel agent who had cancelled my family's tickets - so lunch today can't be worse.

As a pretty proud business graduate - statistics passed with a C (73/100) I am looking forward to a nice graduation dinner with Memo sometime this weekend. Can't wait for him to come home from work.
Today we're going to another birth class (we did that last week too) - learning a bit more about the D-day and how to deal with the pain etc.
I can't wait for that day to come, but I am also a tad scared about how it will turn out. Oh well, less intelligent people have had kids before, I doubt we will do worse than them.
On to cleaning the floors with Canela y Manzana cleaner!
Have a great weekend!
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