Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I know, I know...

Lost again... Seems like my mind is on something else,
- or someone else to be accurate.

My amazingly eventful internship at the AES office have now started.
The first week consisted of helping out in the IT-support department; i.e. I read the news and gave feedback to Mustafa. He very much appreciated that.
To show his appreciation he made me organize the 4th floor storage room.
I was wearing a skirt and high heals.
It was warm.
So to show him how increadibly motivated and thankful I was I marked the boxes with "Stuff", "More Stuff" and "Things that could be found in a hardware store".
I am mature!
The rest of the week was enjoyed at the Divan hotel. AES organized a safety conference.
It was me and about 25 engineers, managers.
We made scorecards and learnt how to do a perfect safety walk on site, I've never been on a site, let alone will I ever do a safety walk.
But I learnt something.

So on monday when I came to the office, we applied everything we'd learnt the week before.
I managed to walk into a glass door.
In my defence it was transparent, extremley clean and did NOT exist when I left the office on friday.
Since this saftey hazard was found, actually it was a near miss; I never actually bumped into the door, my reflection scared me when I was about 2 cm away, Mustafa took imediate action and put up tape so that the door could be seen.
The safety hazard had been eliminated!
Dan tells me people do this so that birds don't fly into windows.
Does that mean he compares me with a bird?
If so, I would like to be a Swan; gracious yet a bit bitchy!

Other than that I managed to pass all my classes up at Bilkent. I am happy and surprised.

Last weekend was spent with someone really special. It was very nice.
Having wine when with a special person could never go wrong.

I'll try to give more regular update, like I used to!


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