Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The big question...

The question always asked when someone is leaving a country/city behind is; Are you happy about leaving?

The reason I think of this right now is because Linnea and Patrick are leaving in 2ish weeks and Memo today asked Linnea whether she's happy about it or not...
It's a tricky question.

On one hand it's always sad to leave whichever place one was living in, and all that it entails; people, habits, house, etc. But on the other hand it is always exciting seeing the people waiting for you at the new/old destination.
It's always better to arrive to a place without expectations; no expectations no disappointment.
Same goes for when you leave a place; no expectations about who you will keep in touch with or who will keep in touch with you.
I've learnt that the people you least expect to keep in touch often do, whereas the ones you expect to send msgs don't... without expectations there are no hard feelings!
Same goes with expectations about the place you will return to, things always change, people change... the best is to go without any thoughts about what will happened... maybe a bit boring or cold, but like that you don't get hurt.

Anywho, bed time for me... it's midnight meaning, time to turn the heater on and tuck myself to bed!


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