I havent really taken time to tell you, secret readers, how we live down here this (3d) time.
I loved it here as an exchange student 3 years ago, and I am liking it this time too.
A normal day:
We wake up between 7.30 - 8 in the morning - woken up by a tiny voice saying "mama". I take her into our room and she watches a cartoon for 30 min on the Ipad.
We head down for breakfast, toast with butter, milk and a fruit.
And then we hit the bathroom, tooth brushing (which she loves), reading books and of course - pee and poop.
We then have about 2 more hours of play time, either at home or at the playground.
If we stay here I try to do some random cleaning at the same time.
Sophia loves her mega blocs, throwing balls, reading books, drawing and "organizing" things.
Nap time comes and I just put her down and put on some "Rockabye baby" and leave, sometimes she falls asleep straight away, sometimes it takes 10-15 min.
Usually she sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours. This is her only nap a day, so I always pray for closer to two hours.
While she sleeps I clean up whatever mess is todays task, but also try to rest. When it's starting to get close to her wake up time I make her lunch. A favorite is sausage, pasta and veggies, as well as pasta bolognese.
She eats when she wakes up, while she eats I refill the pool with new water, and when she's done with eating, and going to the toilet we get ready for the pool.
After about an hour we get up since its time to make lunch for us adults, sophia then plays in her kitchen or with the spices.
At 3 memo gets home we eat, sophia snacks, clean up, memo locks himself in his study room and we play until its dinner time, milk time, toilet time, bath time and finally bed time (7-8).
Same here I put her down, put on the music and tell her I love her ans good night, and leave.
This is my time to shine, I need to pick up the mess of the day, and clean the floor that is supposed to be done that day (remember my cleanig schedule? ).
Buy I usually read for about an hour before I get started.
I usually finish with enough time to take a shower before memo gets here around 10, he has dinner (I dont like to eat that late), we watch a show or two, and sleep around 11.30 - 00.
Those are our days, weekdays.
It's not always fun, and I cant wait for memo to finish his masters so we actually can spend some time together.
Right now we have maybe an hour a day, which in my eyes is not a decent way to live a family life.
He finishes in june-ish, I will try to find a job for december, january and we will see when baby number to fits in.
Life here is nice, very tiring, but also giving.
Its always be warm, very few days are not sunny. I am actually looking forward to rain season starting in about a month. Will be nice with a cooler climate (after the rain).
I guess another mission is to find a good baby sitter so we can go to the movies or out for dinner sometimes.
Memo goes out from time to time, decides he has the right to work out everyday and go cut his hair etc (anyone who has a child knows this is not a given), I have not had any planned time away from sophia since ever (once or twice in Sweden), I have wanted to cut my hair since I arrived in january and would love to be given time to work out (that is not at 9 at night when I am totally exhausted)...
So I cant wait for memo to finish school so we can finally start to equal out this relationship!