Thursday, May 23, 2013


We started laying puzzles with sophia. It wasnt until last week she started putting the pieces right.

She seems to enjoy it a lot.

Shes also doing good with animals and now also knows how the elefant sounds, she is also sure about another few animals, although I do not agree with her on the sound.

Diaper wise we're down to one diaper a day, the night one. Day time she is without one and stays dry most days. It does seem she can hold it - poo for sure she holds it, but I am starting to notice her holding the pee too - there will come a drop or two, we go to the toilet and she lets it come.

She also does this new thing and comes and try to literary pick me up if she wants me to go with her.she also pretend eats and drinks in her kitchen, shes so cute chewing air!

Well well, we're also down to one nap a day - and it is time now.

I also give you a picture of my mothersday gift.

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