As everyone knows it's important to be honest to the people around you, what most people forget thou is to be honest to themselves...
I know that I always forget about that
I usually end up doing things that I know are bad for me in some way, I try to tell myself that it's a good thing, that it will make me feel good, but somewhere there, in the back of my mind, I know, more than well, that it isn't and that it will just hurt me in some way.
Procrastinating is one of many examples of when I lie to myself, either I tell myself it will get better with time, or that I will do it later... but you know what, it wont, and I know that...
I've learned the hard way that it doesn't get better with time, yep yep (ding dong *wake up call*), it gets worse, a lot worse, more hurt feelings, disappointment and anxiety.
So nowadays, when it comes to issues with people at least, I try (emphasizing on try)to be honest to the other person, but most importantly to myself, I try to show and say what I feel about something as soon as possible, as letting them wait or to lead them on hurts both them and me way more than opening up straight away!
Another lesson learned as the years passes by, is to listen to what my friends have to tell me... they might have experiences that I can take advantage of, learn from...
Lately I've had many looong and intense talks with my friends about various things... and, to be honest, in the beginning I didn't really listen to them, well I did, but I told myself I could handle it, knowing that I couldn't...
It took a facebook msg for me to really see it, to listen, to trust them and to be honest to myself.
People lie to themselves about the shittiest things, among my family and friends there are lies about;
- Addiction
- Food
- Depression
- Anger
- Self confidence
- Relationships
The list is long, and the difficult part is that it's almost impossible to get through to someone lying to themselves, I will, for example, never be able to help the person with an alcohol addiction, at least not until the person realizes they have an addiction, when they stop lying to themselves.
We get stuck in lies just because it's comfortable, it's some kinda zone that is safe...
I had that kind of safe zone some years back, a depression, and I honestly didn't want to get through it, because it was safe, it was easy, and to get out of it I had to fight, and change things...
Changing things sucks, just look at me now, I have a(nother) safe zone, not really trying to get out of it, it makes me feel pretty crappy, but then on the other hand, stepping out of this zone would be waaayy too much work for little me right now...
so I stay in it...
feeling the happiest possible at the moment...
so I continue to lie to myself.
It is changing thou... slowly...
but at least it's changing...
I'm just glad I got out of the worse comfort zones I ever had... the crappy relationship and the depression...
A step to happiness!!! You should all take it, instead of being comfortable, step out of the bubble, it will be a bit blurry in the beginning, but you know what... it's soooo much brighter on the other side!
Be honest to yourselves!
Btw, to make myself happy... I printed my photos (as you can see in the photo), I love it!