When someone asks you where you want to go to have lunch, which place are you most likely to think of?
Of course a place that is too far away, or a type of food that is no where near to be found where you are...
Isn't it always like that? That you want what you can't have!
I'm the queen of that concept, I'm constantly craving Burger King, just because there isn't any where I live, when I'm near a Burger King, on the other hand, I crave Friday's, my mom's meatballs or patacones...
It's a freaky how this actually goes for everything about me.
With guys, oh lord, how it fits just perfectly when it comes to me and my boys... since I was engaged I haven't been in a single relationship,dating (or whatever you call it) where there for sure is a future, either I go for the exchange student who's leaving in a month, or for the one that it obviously wouldn't work with, the list goes on... it's quite long actually! Oopsie.... (0:
I've been trying to figure out why we all do this, because I'm certain we all do it to some extent at least.
We let our mind fly away to some kind of pink little cloudy space where small rabbits runs around and where (in my case) there's a Burger King... the problem is that when we've put an end to our little power-dream we become disappointed.
I don't handle disappointment well, I become angry, start randomly cursing and storm off, which some friends have experienced lately, there's just too many things I want but can't have, pretty frustrating!
Anywho, perhaps it's a way for the mind to prepare for worse let downs, or just to teach you one of those famous life lessons...
I'd go for life lessons, well might not really fit with the Burger King issue, thou perhaps my lesson would be to move to a city which actually is big enough for one!
It certainly fits in when it comes to guys, school, etc.
I love dreaming, and won't stop, one day I will get what I want, and not only among my pink little clouds!
I will most likely get shot down a few more times, but it doesn't matter, cus when you get back up you feel stronger and happier! AND, even thou you most of the time learn something that you shouldn't do there's always something positive too.
So I try, when I can't have something, to kinda see it as something I can learn from... I might not be able to live in Paris now, but if I work hard, and make the right choices I will be able to! It's just a question about time and patience!
Right now I want:
Burger King (0:
Be in Panama with the rest of my family
Live in Paris
Be in London with Pernilla
Buy a cool camera
Go shopping
For the waiting to be stopped
Drive around in my awesome Cayenne (impossible as I have either car or license)
... well the list is long...
But I'm still happy, cus not having these things make me stronger, and gives me incentives to keep on going until the list is empty!
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