Summer always comes with summer romances.
One of my several romances this year just left...
After having spent the entire summer with her I now feel a tad lost, what the hell do you do in Jönköping by yourself on a Tuesday?
Normally I would have gone to her house, we would have gossiped about our other summer romances, gone out for lunch, a drink, riding around on our bikes in amazing speeds, gotten another drink, become tipsy, riding home and climbing balconies...
Today will be different, I'll have to clean the house as Cassia-Darling is coming back tonight, I should try to finish some homework and all this while trying not to be upset about Pernilla leaving.
I become very attached to people, very easily and quickly. If I click with someone I will do anything for that person to be happy, because happiness is something we all should strive for.
This summer I've had many talks with some of my romances about happiness. It all comes down to that in the end, why do something if it wouldn't make you happy, sometimes you have to look a bit further than the near future, and sometimes you're already lost in those negative swirls that comes along from time to time, and need to get out from them before you're down in a depression.
Pernilla did the right choice to leave Sweden now; Darling, this will help you realize what is right for you: Sweden or Australia.
As for me, I'm on to cleaning, because I know that it will make me feel better when it's done, as well as it will make Cassia-Darling feel good for coming home to a cleaned house.
This was my first time writing, and I've decided I will try to make it as positive as possible, because if you think positively then your mind will start to believe things are good!
Love to Pernilla!
nnnaaawwwwww.... your so sweet.. and your right! It all comes down to happiness.. otherwise what is the point? You are my happiness. thank you for the most beautiful summer :) Can't wait to share many more with you!! xxx