It's pretty chilly in Sweden.
Sophia got a cold.
I got a cold.
Everyone has a cold - so maybe it's not just the weather.
I've tried to dress her with pretty thick clothes - Swedish standards. So now we'll see how it goes after this.
The flight over went fine, and she only wined the last 20 min of a 20h trip - pretty good I think.
We have kept busy here. Playground, playing with Vincent, cuddling with Victor, making her Swedish.
Today she was pretty winy all day, so that sucked. Hope it's better in the morning, we're going to Stockholm to see Memos brother and his wife.
They say it will rain.
It feels pretty weird to be back here. I miss Memo a lot.
We try to talk on skype a lot thou, for Sophia to hear his voice too.
Need to sleep now....
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I've taken a bit of a break from here.
Mostly because I do not have time.
I am busy.
Spending time with Memo
I will get back to you all on like Monday. When I am back in Sweden (yay).
Mostly because I do not have time.
I am busy.
Spending time with Memo
I will get back to you all on like Monday. When I am back in Sweden (yay).
Assange and the Conspiracy theory
Are you serious!?
It is starting to get on my nerves.
Educated, intelligent people, posting pro-Assange pictures and messages on FB.
Are you serious?!
Do you even know what this is about?
Does any of the South American governments know what this is about (they backed him the other day, condemning the UK)?
Do they know that this has NOTHING to do with the states?
That is being asked by the Swedish penal entity to show up for hearings.
He is not guilty, he is a suspect.
As with any suspect, you need to hear them.
Is it true, is it false. Is it a trap.
It doesn't matter.
That people question the Swedish penal system, and government as a whole is insulting and ridiculous.
In comparison to you (South America and Ecuador), Sweden is not corrupt.
Just because you started Wikileaks - and released documents that were not yours, confidental, to people who are FAR from educated enough to understand them, or just doesn't understand the situations (Do I go through your private emails and documents, then tattletale on you to the people you mentioned?) - does not mean you are to be an exception to all the 'normal' people, you need to show up.
I recently read to debate articles in two different Swedish newspapers
In the first one gives you 8 myths about the Assange case
1.The charges of Sex crime is really just a way to quiet Wikileaks.
"...To say that the Swedish police are trying to crush Wikileaks is the same as to say that their American collegues motives to investigate D. Strauss-Kahn were to close the International Monetary Fund (IMF)".
2.Sweden will hand him over to the US.
"Washington has not made such request...and a handing over is not possible without the approval of London". And considering what the Wikileaks told Sweden about the US, I doubt we will let them ride in one horses and take him over there, to face a death penalty (what certain people think). #ridiculous
3. He will be executed.
"Sweden do not hand over people who face the death penalty"
4.Sweden has politically influenced, and corrupt courts.
Transparency International place us (SWE) 3/142, while Ecuador placed 130/142.
5.Reinfelt has interfered in the process (prime minister)
He has only commented on the ridiculous accusations made by un-educated idiots (my words of course, not his)
6. In Sweden you are convicted for rape if the condom breaks.
No, but if the person is sleeping or is unconscious yes, as in other countries.
7.The prosecutor took the case after being pressured.
"no" - just not true
8. Assange was fooled into a sex trap.
the author says it is not likely - but I guess that is for everyone to decide. But it doesn't matter because of above mentioned points.
The Second article mentions that Assanges' previous support among any meaningful opinion leaders is now gone, it also explains our legal system and goes over some of the nonsense the pro-assange side is spreading.
I pisses me off.
I mean, come one - not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy theory.
It is starting to get on my nerves.
Educated, intelligent people, posting pro-Assange pictures and messages on FB.
Are you serious?!
Do you even know what this is about?
Does any of the South American governments know what this is about (they backed him the other day, condemning the UK)?
Do they know that this has NOTHING to do with the states?
That is being asked by the Swedish penal entity to show up for hearings.
He is not guilty, he is a suspect.
As with any suspect, you need to hear them.
Is it true, is it false. Is it a trap.
It doesn't matter.
That people question the Swedish penal system, and government as a whole is insulting and ridiculous.
In comparison to you (South America and Ecuador), Sweden is not corrupt.
Just because you started Wikileaks - and released documents that were not yours, confidental, to people who are FAR from educated enough to understand them, or just doesn't understand the situations (Do I go through your private emails and documents, then tattletale on you to the people you mentioned?) - does not mean you are to be an exception to all the 'normal' people, you need to show up.
I recently read to debate articles in two different Swedish newspapers
In the first one gives you 8 myths about the Assange case
1.The charges of Sex crime is really just a way to quiet Wikileaks.
"...To say that the Swedish police are trying to crush Wikileaks is the same as to say that their American collegues motives to investigate D. Strauss-Kahn were to close the International Monetary Fund (IMF)".
2.Sweden will hand him over to the US.
"Washington has not made such request...and a handing over is not possible without the approval of London". And considering what the Wikileaks told Sweden about the US, I doubt we will let them ride in one horses and take him over there, to face a death penalty (what certain people think). #ridiculous
3. He will be executed.
"Sweden do not hand over people who face the death penalty"
4.Sweden has politically influenced, and corrupt courts.
Transparency International place us (SWE) 3/142, while Ecuador placed 130/142.
5.Reinfelt has interfered in the process (prime minister)
He has only commented on the ridiculous accusations made by un-educated idiots (my words of course, not his)
6. In Sweden you are convicted for rape if the condom breaks.
No, but if the person is sleeping or is unconscious yes, as in other countries.
7.The prosecutor took the case after being pressured.
"no" - just not true
8. Assange was fooled into a sex trap.
the author says it is not likely - but I guess that is for everyone to decide. But it doesn't matter because of above mentioned points.
The Second article mentions that Assanges' previous support among any meaningful opinion leaders is now gone, it also explains our legal system and goes over some of the nonsense the pro-assange side is spreading.
I pisses me off.
I mean, come one - not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy theory.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
This will be this weeks first (I think) update.
We've been busy, and I have been tired.
Things advance with the little one - she started clapping her hands and says mamamamama and babababa, she also finally understood how to put herself in the 'real' crawling position! Yay
She also got over her fear of anything other than fruit and ate the real food I made her - double yay
On Saturday last week we went to the doctor, she's 8kg and 70cm. Not that little anymore huh
She also stopped eating at night, yay for me
We're leaving for Sweden next week on Saturday - I am nervous.
But mostly tired...
Good night
We've been busy, and I have been tired.
Things advance with the little one - she started clapping her hands and says mamamamama and babababa, she also finally understood how to put herself in the 'real' crawling position! Yay
She also got over her fear of anything other than fruit and ate the real food I made her - double yay
On Saturday last week we went to the doctor, she's 8kg and 70cm. Not that little anymore huh
She also stopped eating at night, yay for me
We're leaving for Sweden next week on Saturday - I am nervous.
But mostly tired...
Good night
Sunday, August 12, 2012
1 Year
1 year ago I arrived
I changed my life,
I changed Memo's life
and I changed Sophia's life - although, she doesn't know it
Was it for the better or for the worse?
Time will tell
It's been tough
but Sophia got the best possible first 7 months, and now 4 months of amazing Sweden - also the best possible considering the circumstances.
We want to give her the best, happiest life
Let's see where that is 1 year from now
I changed my life,
I changed Memo's life
and I changed Sophia's life - although, she doesn't know it
Was it for the better or for the worse?
Time will tell
It's been tough
but Sophia got the best possible first 7 months, and now 4 months of amazing Sweden - also the best possible considering the circumstances.
We want to give her the best, happiest life
Let's see where that is 1 year from now
Thursday, August 9, 2012
What the...
What happened here... already Thursday?
Sophia is down for her first nap of the day, and since she slept well tonight I am taking some computer time instead of sleeping - which I am starting to regret now.
Time flies when you're home with a baby. Routines, and screaming, laughing and learning new things.
Anywho, Memo's phone has been taken back from the person who stole it. So he's pretty happy. He's also very busy, starting his own business and all. So sadly we don't see much of him.
Although, I have strongly suggested that he takes some time home with Sophia the last week we're here, he will regret anything else.
She woke up.
Time to go
Sophia is down for her first nap of the day, and since she slept well tonight I am taking some computer time instead of sleeping - which I am starting to regret now.
Time flies when you're home with a baby. Routines, and screaming, laughing and learning new things.
Anywho, Memo's phone has been taken back from the person who stole it. So he's pretty happy. He's also very busy, starting his own business and all. So sadly we don't see much of him.
Although, I have strongly suggested that he takes some time home with Sophia the last week we're here, he will regret anything else.
She woke up.
Time to go
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
No Time
There's no time over for anything...
or at least that is how it feels like.
The day starts early with Sophia - 6-7, and the first nap I sleep, the second nap I clean, the third nap either I cook or we eat...
In between I do dishes, run after a very energetic 7 month baby.
And when she goes to bed, I work out for 30 min, dinner then bed.
No more hours left of the day
The blog gets neglected, and sadly some friends too - I am sorry.
I have so many messages to catch up on, and messages I want to write.
But here's some photos from our weekend, to compensate for the absence here

or at least that is how it feels like.
The day starts early with Sophia - 6-7, and the first nap I sleep, the second nap I clean, the third nap either I cook or we eat...
In between I do dishes, run after a very energetic 7 month baby.
And when she goes to bed, I work out for 30 min, dinner then bed.
No more hours left of the day
The blog gets neglected, and sadly some friends too - I am sorry.
I have so many messages to catch up on, and messages I want to write.
But here's some photos from our weekend, to compensate for the absence here
Monday, August 6, 2012
We are back from the beach
A not so successful trip
Memo's phone got stolen by the pool, at night when we were coming back from dinner it was raining like crazy, so we were hurrying to get to Bay View before the roads flooded - of course they did. We tried to avoid the high water but were surprised by some really high water on one street - the car still works, but the lights in the car say we need to check engine.
Also, on the way back there were some accident, so what should take 4-5h took 7!!!
Oh well, the person who stole memos phone was stupid enough to try to send photos with it, without changing the set email to theirs, so we know how she(!) looks.
Now, I have A LOT to do today!!!
Also, happy birthday Sophia! 7 months
A not so successful trip
Memo's phone got stolen by the pool, at night when we were coming back from dinner it was raining like crazy, so we were hurrying to get to Bay View before the roads flooded - of course they did. We tried to avoid the high water but were surprised by some really high water on one street - the car still works, but the lights in the car say we need to check engine.
Also, on the way back there were some accident, so what should take 4-5h took 7!!!
Oh well, the person who stole memos phone was stupid enough to try to send photos with it, without changing the set email to theirs, so we know how she(!) looks.
Now, I have A LOT to do today!!!
Also, happy birthday Sophia! 7 months
Friday, August 3, 2012
So we should be heading Vallarta bound in around two hours.
I've packed all that I can pack - Sophia's good and a few of Memo's things left.
It's been a pretty calm day, took a walk and not much else.
Meatballs are on the menu today, but Sophia needs to fall asleep first. Hands down raw meat and needy baby - not a good mix.
Anywho, I had a pretty low moment the other day.
One of the annoying kids that lives in the building (who usually screams until 22 (10) at night, was screaming down our window throwing rocks (!?! I know, wtf) on the wall that is Sophia's room.
She was waking up, I went to the window, looked down and see two parents sitting next to him, with some other screaming - uneducated - children.
SO after a few rocks I loose it, open the window and say.
What the fuck are you doing. You can't throw rocks on the wall - Idiot.
I realize now that it was a bit harsh to a 10 year old boy. I can only argue that he didn't understand, and that it's months of noise and screaming that is to blame (I even put up a note a month ago).
Oh well... he learnt his lesson.
Some pictures from previous trips
I've packed all that I can pack - Sophia's good and a few of Memo's things left.
It's been a pretty calm day, took a walk and not much else.
Meatballs are on the menu today, but Sophia needs to fall asleep first. Hands down raw meat and needy baby - not a good mix.
Anywho, I had a pretty low moment the other day.
One of the annoying kids that lives in the building (who usually screams until 22 (10) at night, was screaming down our window throwing rocks (!?! I know, wtf) on the wall that is Sophia's room.
She was waking up, I went to the window, looked down and see two parents sitting next to him, with some other screaming - uneducated - children.
SO after a few rocks I loose it, open the window and say.
What the fuck are you doing. You can't throw rocks on the wall - Idiot.
I realize now that it was a bit harsh to a 10 year old boy. I can only argue that he didn't understand, and that it's months of noise and screaming that is to blame (I even put up a note a month ago).
Oh well... he learnt his lesson.
Some pictures from previous trips
2010 |
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2010 |
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2010 |
2010 |
2010 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Vegetables and Dirt
Now that Sophia has become better at getting herself around the house, I have to step it up a bit on the cleaning.
I used to sweep the floor 2-3 times a week before, but now I seem to have to start doing it daily again. I would really need to mop it too... buuut... in time.
Sophia still doesn't want to eat veggies, which is starting to worry me. She will need to eat veggies, meat, cereal, as well as the fruit, in order to obtain all nutrients and vitamins she needs to become an awesome girl - size and mentally.
I try to hide what I cook (veggie wise) behind something she likes - banana, apple, mango or papaya, but it doesn't always work and it usually ends up with her tasting it and getting pissed.
Pissed Sophia is screaming Sophia.
I made chicken - pasta - carrot - apple and onion with ginger the other day, thinking it would be sweet enough. It wasn't.
She even stopped liking avocado - which she used to like.
Help... anyone got any tips?
Anywho, today we're heading beach bound and I couldn't be more excited.
Sun, pool, beach!
I used to sweep the floor 2-3 times a week before, but now I seem to have to start doing it daily again. I would really need to mop it too... buuut... in time.
Sophia still doesn't want to eat veggies, which is starting to worry me. She will need to eat veggies, meat, cereal, as well as the fruit, in order to obtain all nutrients and vitamins she needs to become an awesome girl - size and mentally.
I try to hide what I cook (veggie wise) behind something she likes - banana, apple, mango or papaya, but it doesn't always work and it usually ends up with her tasting it and getting pissed.
Pissed Sophia is screaming Sophia.
I made chicken - pasta - carrot - apple and onion with ginger the other day, thinking it would be sweet enough. It wasn't.
She even stopped liking avocado - which she used to like.
Help... anyone got any tips?
Anywho, today we're heading beach bound and I couldn't be more excited.
Sun, pool, beach!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Still July?!
What the... Memo told me it was going to be August today. It isn't (well it is, because this is a timed post that I wrote last night).
Anywho, it's still July and weather in Mexico is about as predictable as in Sweden in April, or France in March.
It rains, sunny, cloudy, sunny - you get the idea.
BIG news from Sophia. She has learnt how to crawl (not true) in Swedish - åla. She's so cute, fighting her way around the house.
I am tired today.
Re-wrote that business plan I wrote about a while ago. Cleaned the house a bit more.
All this possible because Memo took Sophia. But I am starting to regret it - it's past her bedtime and she isn't here. Doesn't matter to Memo since he doesn't help at night, but kinda does to me.
Let's see what happens
Anywho, it's still July and weather in Mexico is about as predictable as in Sweden in April, or France in March.
It rains, sunny, cloudy, sunny - you get the idea.
BIG news from Sophia. She has learnt how to crawl (not true) in Swedish - åla. She's so cute, fighting her way around the house.
I am tired today.
Re-wrote that business plan I wrote about a while ago. Cleaned the house a bit more.
All this possible because Memo took Sophia. But I am starting to regret it - it's past her bedtime and she isn't here. Doesn't matter to Memo since he doesn't help at night, but kinda does to me.
Let's see what happens
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