So the discussion at the dinner table was consistent with the one yesterday:
Is the situation gonna degrade or will it improve?
As I said yesterday, generals have been arrested.
My dad tried to explain what was happening.
The army in Turkey has had for purpose, among others, to keep the country secular (non religious). The ATP party (I think), the party in power, is a muslim party, with the president and first minister being a bit of extremists.
Some years back there are rumors that the army made a plot against this party in question, etc etc, since in the Turkish constitution it says they have the right to intervene whenever they feel that the country is no longer led in a secular way.
Pls, stop me if I'm wrong...
Now in order to get back at the army, the government has arrested 50ish high ranked active duty and retired commanders.
Ehm, I'm not sure what is happening, or what will happened.
Will the army fight back?!
Should we be worried they will organize a coup d'etat?!
Bettina is really worried, my dad says that his company is protecting us and that if there would be the least sign of any type of danger we would be taken care of.
I'm not sure...
Maybe I'm a bit worried, but on the other hand I assume and hope that Bilkent University would have contacted and informed us of any dangers.
Here's an article from CNN that you can read if you feel like it: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/02/25/turkey.sledgehammer.arrest/index.html?iref=allsearch
Just finished watching a movie... something girlfriends past, seen it before, but it's ok...
Now i need to write a presentation of myself in spanish...
I don't want to, I'm tired...
went swimming today and am still exhausted since.
Tomorrow is friday and i'm very much looking forward to the weekend, not remotely as much as last week but still... will b nice to sleep
Hope u had a nice night... all u in jkpg, hope u enjoyed Caj...