The week is almost over... It went amazingly fast I have to admit
Micro quiz today again. It went well, at least I'm sure about 4 points since, and this seems to b standard on his quizzes, you got that by writing your name!
But as I said, I'm pretty sure I did good on the other two questions as well!
Otherwise today was a pretty random day. Nothing really special happened. Was hopening for the pool to be open but their still doing some kinda work on it )0:
So instead I watched a movie, figured it's about the same! Haha
I watched "Surrogates" with Bruce Willis, it was ok... not as good as "The time travelers wife" that I saw yesterday, that one I liked!
As I said, the week is almost over, but the worst is to come. Fridays are awful...
I start at 8.40 which means I need to take the 7.20 bus, sitting in school for like 30 min before class starts, nothing open... for only ONE hour of BASIC Spanish... and then I need to wait until 13.40 for Macro... BUT THEN... after that it's weekend... and I will SLEEP!!!!!!!
Oh, and go shopping! I'm gonna pick up the pants I talked about yesterday and some other stuff... Haha, and maybe, maybe... be able to go to the pool!
Anyways... in order for you to understand how HUGE this campus is... maybe this will help...
There's a health center; open 24/7, I've seen ambulances
There's at least 5-6 restaurants, one Starbucks and 3-4 other Cafés
There are like 7 ATM's
There's a travel agency
There's a gym or two and a huge sports complex where you can play squash and soccer n stuff
And well, then of course a concert hall, a greek style outside amphitheater and yeah, those kinda "normal" stuff on a campus
Yaya... now I'm gonna do some research about Tetra Pak, which will be my 15 page "homework" subject!
o hai! ^_^