The Picture to your right is of the evil eye, which explained by wikipedia (my educator) is:
In Turkey, evil eye jewelry and other such trinkets are particularly common. A nazar or evil eye stone (Turkish: nazar boncuğu) is an amulet that protects against the evil eye. (Wikipedia)
The evil eye being someone with evil intentions for example.
They have this everywhere you go;
*Bracelets (I have one)
*Key chains (that one too)
*In my school
So I feel pretty protected here! We have a million things in the house with the "eye", door mat, tea cups, jewelry, a stone (like the one on the picture) and more!
I'm not sure "the eye" did anything for me today thou. The quiz didn't go as planned.
At least I'm sure I got 6 points; collected through getting your name and student class id right, well assuming that "exchange student" is counted as student class id!
There's a whole story to how I got to the micro class today actually.
I had a class in the morning. Cross-Cultural Management with Frederick Wolley. After the class I went to the library to study a bit for my quiz (which, if you read the blog earlier today, I didn't really do). I decided to leave a bit early in order to be able to find the room, BZ07, which obviously is located in the B block.
So I headed over there and asked the guards, as I always do since I never know how to find the rooms, where exactly it was. WELL...
As I pointed on the 13.40 class on Thursday they thought I pointed on the one on Friday, which is in the A block.
So they kindly told me it was in another building. So I go there, still got like 15 min til class starts.
I sit down (there are other people in the class room), I eat my energy bar, drink some coke, put on some hand cream and day dream.
I was sitting there thinking about how amazingly fast this week had gone;
"already Friday"
(YES YES, in some way those guards managed to make me believe it was Friday!!)
When all of a sudden, it hits me... It's not fucking Friday, it's Thursday, and my class is in the B block...
SO after having been sitting there for 10 min I run up and manage to get to Micro in time!!!
Stupid guards!
As I said before, the quiz sucked, but as long as you attend it's ok!! CHECK!
Went to Metro (big ass supermarket for restaurant owners and foreigners) with Bettina when I got home, we did some serious grocery shopping. I got tea and water and juice and energy bars... Even one of those thermos cups... so I don't have to run over to the Management building every time I want a tea! I'm happy.
When we got back we watched "The hangover"!
I love Allan... was probably the 6th time, if not more, that I saw it!
Voila, that was my day. A new one tomorrow. Wake up call: 6 a.m!!! SHIT!
Oh, n btw... I just wanna say that I love my friends very much!
A special thought to Cassinha tonight! Just because she's so cute!!!
PUSS och Buenas Noches!
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