Today was a weird day.
Was up talking to Fredrik until 6a.m this morning, so when my alarm went off at 7 I bluntly ignored it.
Usually I remember my logic behind my decision; I usually have a quick run throu in my mind; pros and cons...
Nothing this morning. I just didn't think that Dr. F. Woolley was worth it.
Oh well, went up around 12, got ready and headed to the bus. Had to grab a cab of course, not good, money that could be spent shopping, or be saved for Mexico!
Had a quiz today in Micro, went ok... have been doing good on the past two, with a higher average than the rest of the class, which I can assure you is needed...
As you can see on the picture, we have started with solving utility functions with algebra (maybe) haha, using the Cobb-Douglass, Linear and Leontief methods.
I do not really get it... and he assumes we pretty much understands his logic, which I can nervously tell you I don't!
Ayay, but you know what...
Je m'en fous, because tomorrow morning, after spanish Benoit and I will take the bus, heading west, to Europe, Istanbul more precisely!
Ahhh, it will be amazing.
Packed my bag, charging my Ipod, made sure I will be able to bring a camera, fixed some provisions for the bus (Coke Zero and the Wasa Rosemary and salt crackers, haha)
I have to admit I'm a bit nervous thou. I haven't really stayed at a hostel before. Not as I can remember at least, well except for Amsterdam, but who remembers that!?
There's no shower or bathroom in the room... wonder how that will go!!? I have to remember to bring my flip-flops!!!
Anywho, as I mentioned in the start, I talked with Fredrik yesterday. I highly needed talk, maybe some of you have noticed that I'm neither in a relationship or single on fb, well that will soon be fixed.
Cus I will "fråga chans" on him later (0; A way of asking someone to be your bf when you went to primary school!! Haha...
It's all good now, I'm incredibly happy, it feels so much better. We were both having doubts about this, but now it's all good! (0:
Btw, for all you with scars, I'm using this product ->
It's coca oil which helps taking scars or other marks on the skin away. Perfect, now i have to admit I'm bad at using it. I will start now thou, the moment I'm done writing this. Will tell you how it goes as time passes! Maybe it's a good investment for all of you like me; scars easily or randomly falls a lot!
Well... have a pleasant evening.
Will say night night later on!!
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