Like in all capital cities you can see beggars, people trying to sell kleenex next to a huge mansion, while a Porsche is driving by, the difference with this city is that next to that mansion there will be a small little run down house, built with what looks like mud and with boxes and rubbish all over, old cardboard paper covering the windows and no lawn, only mud...
There are huge differences in income in this country, one person told me that managers in Turkey are some of the best paid in Europe, while well, obviously the poor are poorer...
The other day when Bettina and I drove back from the Cepa mall we saw this little dirty girl, pulling a huge cart, full of wood on it.. the cart was seriously 3 times her size... really horrible.
But what could we do?
Us giving them money might not help them at all since you don't know what they will use it for.
The option would be to donate clothes... but we don't have anything to donate, we only brought the things we use here.
We were talking about it the other day... how to help, in an effective way, never came to a conclusion.
Oh well, to be thought about!
Otherwise, I have to brag a bit... To all you who knows me...
I've been drinking water lately... and not just a glass here and there;
I'm actually drinking some right now.
Honestly don't remember the last time I had some before coming here.
I still maintain my opinion about it not being tasty or good in any way (why drink water when there's coke right!?) but since I couldn't really justify drinking 3 (at least) liters of coke a day to my dad, I had to!
And well, as I've said earlier, I've been drinking a lot of tea!
An improvement, that I would like to be acknowledged!! haha... Congratulators are free to send gifts of any kind!
I would like a pony please! haha... just joking!!
I hope you all will have a nice night now!
I'm done with trying to figure out the Macro homework, because honestly, I don't really care what impact a tax on each unit produced has on labor demand of that firm... maybe I'll care more tomorrow,
I know the teacher will!
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