A clear blue sky here in Ankara today, rather cold thou, around 10 I would suppose. Felt good with some sun after two rainy-ish days.
Haven't done much this weekend. I am always so exhausted after the week.
Slept after school on Friday even! At some point my dad woke me up, it was dark n I thought I was late for school.
Stood up n was about to put my coat on... Poor dad, he must have thought I was crazy!
Last night I ordered some shoes from Nelly.com. I need some more sneaker/tyg skor. So they look something like this, one pair of white ones and one pair of grey ones.

Since it's a Swedish webpage i ordered them to my mom's house. So will b gettin them in April when I go home.
Also got myself a pair of "heals" too... will show u whenever i get them. They're cute... n about the same price range!
Oh, funniest thing happened yesterday.
Bettina and my dad went to Bilkent mall to do some shopping, and had bought some DVD's.
One of which was "Shop girl". They bought it in a real store, not as a fake copy in a bazaar.
So the cover AND the DVD said "Shop girl", but when we put the movie on, it wasn't. It was a movie with Anne Hathaway as Jane Austin, not really what we expected.
So we changed and watched "Monster in law".
I like it, i'm not a too big fan of Jennifer Lopez, she annoys me, but I like the black lady... she's in Christine too, and as some of you might now I LOVE christine!! So I enjoyed it, my dad a bit less... he fell asleep! Oppsi...
This week will be interesting, midterms are starting. I think I have two this week... we'll see. To be checked I suppose.
Also... Bettina is comin to visit on Friday. NICE NICE!
We might be going to Konya on saturday for a day-trip!! (0:
Today we had lunch in a "one kilo köfte" place... one of those where you don't have much choice.
We got Köfte, of course... and then what they bring you... green salad, bread and a red sauce. Very nice, perfect lunch, thou too much meat for us!!
Hope u guys had a nice weekend!!!
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