The bus today, not a single one passed by without lettin me on!! NEW RECORD! (0:
As you could maybe work out from the choice of picture today, I've been to Burger King.
For you who have followed this blog from last summer, you should know that this made my day.
Any boy who wants to win my heart over; Take me to Burger King.... hmhm... Or Friday's! (0: mmmm, cheese burgers
So, went there with Benoit, Romain and Aysa today. Benoit drove. I have to admit it was a tad scary since Benoit is about as serious and trustworthy as yours truly... and who would trust me in a car!???
But no worries, we got there, I got my Whopper Jr w/ cheese...
Left a bit late from Burger King so I came late to Micro... Swedish as I am I didn't dare to walk in and disturb the teacher so I waited until the break, 50 min later. Allowed me to finish reading chapter 7 of cross-cultural man and smoke a cigarette or two!
Oh, for you who like "Cougar Town", the new episode is out! Very nice...
Have a nice evening!
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