The first out of two midterm weeks started yesterday.
I've been a bad student and didn't study over the weekend.
It's just that this grading on a curve doesn't really motivate me since I only can get a pass or fail in the end anyways...
I have my first midterm tomorrow night; Micro. I will study a bit tomorrow in the afternoon. I will concentrate on voting and pareto efficiancy, the utility functions I don't understand, so I might just look over the theory and explain a question that way.
Managed to oversleep this morning, NOT GOOD, cus I had a spanish quiz, fuck!! I have to go talk to the teacher since there now is a big risk I will not be able to pass the class!!! Ihhhh
Paid my caution for the mexican apartment yesterday too, well Fredrik had to help me, but now it's done. I hope the others can figure out how to do it too! Don't want to live alone!!
Yesterday was otherwise a pretty interesting day.
Ayse, Benoit and I went to have chinese for lunch, extremely good I have to say mmmm, I miss good chinese food, used to eat it all the time back in Paris, in Sweden you can't really find those fast-food chinese places.
After lunch Benoit and I entered a Redbull flugtag competition!!!
We had to build a device in lego that could "fly" as far as possible. Ours flew about 3m if I remember correctly. We were also juged on our innovativeness, since we'd just had Innovation management (thou Benoit didn't show up) we should have been able to do something pretty cool.
Well we think we did and the person said it was (think there's a pretty big risk he lied thou) so now we just wait and see if we will win some free tickets to go watch the big competition in Istanbul from the VIP booth!!
My normal problem with buses was even worse yesterday. Apparently there was a strike, which of course I didn't know shit about, so after having waited 30-40 min for a bus I had to take a cab... And I was doing so good not taking cabs anymore )0:
Well... dinner soon... maybe I feel inspired enough to write a bit more later...
OH n btw, all u waiting for me to answer ur msg... I will do it... soon! Tomorrowish probably.. or thursday!
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