Passport - Check
Camera - Check
Booking nr - Check
Alarm at 5 A.M - Check
Airport/plane entertainment - Check
All done and ready for the trip.
Packed my nicest summer clothes and hope for some sun during rain season. I also made sure to pack jeans, since that is the non-tourist clothes to wear in Panama.
I am almost on my way now... 7 h to wake up call, 11h to flight to Amsterdam.
This will be perfect.
Of course I will keep you guys updated on my activities.
"Friendship is a personal relationship shared between each friend for the welfare of other, in other words, it is the relationship of trust, faith and concern for each other feelings."
My last semester of uni was over a few weeks ago. About a month before we graduated I started thinking about the friendships I had. I talked a lot about this with my closest friends.
It was quite sad for us to wake up to reality - that friendships end. Even the good ones.
Mine/Our friendships were tested in a different way, we had just gotten close and we were a part for a year.
Most of the friendships survived, all but one actually.
Although they survived they were all changed. Some into something stronger, others into something practically in-existent.
There are probably several reasons for this.
Nastia, Julie and I were close since we wrote our thesis together, talking to each other everyday.
Carlos found a girl, and with school it was difficult to split the time between everyone and everything. We still kept in touch thou, BBM, SMS, calls...
Yulia is always active in several different associations in school... so I believe we saw her and talked to her as often as previously.
Lastly, the only thing I will write is:
"It can take a lot of energy to build a friendship. It takes little energy to lose a friend. Investing time and love in a friendship or any relationship is the most valuable investment we will ever make."
Any friendship needs certain attention and care.
When it is a long-distance friendship it is ok to keep sporadic contact... maybe in other cases, a better contact should be maintained.
As the quote says, it takes little energy to lose a friend.
I am not the best at keeping in touch. But I try to inform friends of event or special occasions I will attend. Especially close friends.
If you don't keep in touch when you're physically close to a friend, they will be disappointed and sad and give up on the friendship,
I hope no more close friends will be lost. I know I will do my best to ensure that it won't happen.
Soon, very soon I am taking the bus to Arlanda, to catch a plane to Amsterdam, where I will take a plane to Panama.
Very soon - Thursday 5.55 A.M the bus leaves.
I can't wait. A very needed vacation.
I will see family, friends and enjoy looking at the ocean.
Today has been a long day. Anna-Karin and Vincent were here, we played and took it easy.
When they left I finished off a paper to get 3 credits.
Now I am watching TV with my mom and Kahn.
Mondays are good days. I remember I wrote this once already, so I wont get into it too much.
I had a long busy day as always.
Didn't have the best nights sleep, and when, at 6.20, I woke up with a headache I was pretty pissed. After a painkiller and an episode or two of friends I managed to fall back asleep.
Only for my sister to call and wake me up.
I stayed in bed for as long as I could, got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth and power walked to the bus.
Today we went downtown to look for shoes for Vincent, as well as a little something both for Fredrik and A-K.
The rain came and went, and came back.
It rained a lot.
After the rain had passed we went home; Vincent, Anna-Karin and I.
I was exhausted and wanted to sleep.
It's impossible to sleep around Vincent when he's awake.
It's even more impossible to sleep when A-K is around.
Oh well, we had fun.
Watched him walk around in his new shoes.
Today it rained most of the day.
I had a busy inside day thou.
I cleaned out my things - i.e. the only clothes left in the house, are clothes I will be bringing where ever I will be going next.
After that Anna-Karin and Vincent came, we had a long fika, and I showed her all the clothes and shoes I want to give her.
I did laundry.
We had pizza - Kebab Pizza
The three of us headed to A-K's work and she finished her work for tomorrow, she's graduating!!!
Oh well, not a too exciting, but a very busy day.
Now finally I am free to do whatever - I am watching a french make-off of a WWII documentary. I am a boring nerd.
I thought the day would be boring and event-less.
This was not the case.
When I got up from "my room" I noticed that 'someone' had forgotten to close the front door. To remember to close the door is imperative in a house of 4 cats.
As could be expected, 2 out of 4 were gone.
Findus and Kahn.
Vincent and my sister came over to spend some time with me, or Anna-Karin wanted a babysitter so she could study.
Babysitting I did. We had loads of fun, Vincent and I.
During all the fun Findus came back!
And a few hours later, after a lot of calling and laps around the block Kahn was found.
Underneath the car.
But not underneath the car like a "normal" cat would do it. No.
He had crawled up into the engine.
Kahn stuck in the engine
Ah, fat stupid cat.
After quite a while of thinking about HOW to get him out, we realized the only way would be for him to crawl out himself.
So we put some cat food where he could smell it... fat cats tend to go where the food is - like fat-anything would.
And indeed he did.
Out he was, and on we went to try to nap Vincent.
An impossible task from time to time.
Ah, I will not bore you with all the tiny details of my day. But it went on like this for a few more hours.
And I can assure you, keeping track of a 9 month old baby, who crawls and stands up everywhere is not an easy task.
During forced vacation times like these, remembering which day it is can be tricky.
Luckily I guessed right today - Wednesday.
Soon it's weekend time and I will at least not be "home alone" during day time.
Today wasn't as event-less as hoped for; A dog scared me, more corrections had to be done, and Vincent was tired: in a bad mood.
Oh well, now it's bed time. Can't wait to sleep.
I am having a great free day.
I am relaxing on the couch with Findus, listening to Spotify (My Calm playlist)
It's great, a bit of rain outside. Life is good.
Can I do this for a living?
Probably not... So this afternoon I am off with my mom to help my sister.
Actually, I don't know what we're doing exactly.
Maybe Vincent will be there, that would be fun!
Things I've been up to since I got back from Jönköping;
*Correcting A-K's paper on how Montessori views outside activities in kindergarten, and also if her views are respected in the modern Montessori kindergartens. This was probably on the list of things I never thought I would know anything about.
*Reading up on import businesses.
*Watching Animal Planet.
As you can see, I've been doing a lot of learning.
Have been very busy lately; mostly babysitting Vincent... only babysitting Vincent. But it's been good... perfect practice for the future, right?
Anywho, tomorrow there's no babysitting on the schedule, first day since I got back from Jönköping. Scary.
I will rest, I need rest... although, I am currently sleeping/resting about 17h a day.
I should plan my summer. I have a few things that need to be done, no rush. But I can't forget!
Have a few calls to make in the morning, as well as some emails to send. Never ends huh.