Thursday, August 4, 2011

To be true...

I haven't been the happiest person lately, and I have let this through here.
I hope you all understand that this is my blog, where I air out, this is my therapist.

I have had to deal with a person over the past year that isn't easy for me to understand, and when I don't understand I become frustrated.
It doesn't happen to me often, I can usually see how a person thought to come to the conclusion to do a certain thing - but with this person this is not possible for me.
Several people have given me the reason for this, I came to to same conclusion - but that can't be changed. Someone's intelligence cannot be changed just because I would like it to be.
*Side note - Not meant in a bad or mean way but in this way:

Our problems would cover of all of the above - excluding the first one.

I have also been bothered by something else - the realization of a "friend" not being the person I thought they were. I put my friends on pedestals - this proved that I should be more careful.
This friend showed me a lack of respect, understanding, ability to listen, analyze, friendliness, selflessness - there was nothing good left after the conversation was over - the illusion was destroyed.

I get it, it sucks listening to a friend that complains or is negative about its situation. But I believe that as a friend, I should do this - to an extent that is what friends are for, listening to the other persons problems and give constructive criticism.
But please bare with me, I will soon have processed these two people's actions, and when that is done you will be getting my happy old posts again.

Today we went to Vallby and enjoyed a day off from babysitting Vincent.
It was nice, and we enjoyed a nice lunch there.


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