Saturday, February 5, 2011


So today we spent the day in Stockholm. My sister had a class and my mom and I went as babysitters. To be honest I spent most of the time indoors asleep, the rest of the time we took a walk and had lunch.
Something new I have learnt today is; My sister panics when driving in places she doesn't know, but like, panic-panic... sweating, screaming, cursing. Not bad at all to be honest!

Anywho, afterwards we went to Riittas house, where I picked up my sweater I forgot in December and where we had a second lunch. Jonas was there.
Jonas is like a brother to me, I love him. He's actually my cousin, but we have more of a sibling relationship, not as much in recent years of course since I haven't spent that much time in Swedish soil, but when we meet it's nice.
Plus today he had some good news, he got engaged!
Congratulations to him!!!


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