Thursday, March 29, 2012

Come on...

Argg... days like this I wish I had friends around I could go talk to. I need to get the frustration out, but at the moment there's no one - so I will let a bit of it out here.

Why on earth, when we had decided to forget the past, put the rings back on, and move forward is the *pute* back in our lives?

I do not understand why there is a need to have her around, to meet up with her, and even less for Sophia and I to meet her.

She destroyed our relationship, wanted to take a dad away from his baby, made him lie and deceive.
Why is he still "looking" for her?

I mean, come on.

But there's not much more for me to do than to sit on the side and watch. I don't believe in forbidding - but every action has a consequence.

There's only one reason I would continue even if I have this bad a feeling about it - Sophia.

 ay ay ay....


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