Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Life has been a hurricane for the past few months.

Along with things going on with family, I have been incredibly stressed.
I am not 100% sure why, I guess I have felt overwhelmed, unnecessary in a way. I feel I have wasted myself - my education and experience.

I know this is totally wrong, and that it is only because I currently live jin a country where they do not believe in maternity leave past 45 days.
I know I am doing the best for Leon, but sometimes I feel I need to be able to be me.

So I got a gym membership. Those who know me from before will laugh in disbelief.
I know I always said I did not believe in gyms.
But, it's a way for me to have some time for myself, doing something only for myself.
I am feeling great.

Psychologically, after only a week I am happier and much more relaxed.
Good for me, the kids and Memo.

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