Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bad weather...

Today the weather sucked... it was raining more or less all day.

We stayed inside, played - naked - or at least Sophia.
My sister and the awesome 2 year old Vincent passed by, with Victor - of course.

We made lunch - read I, and we made pie - read I, and then we cleaned up - read I...

We got the 'grocery bag' from the local store this week. This is not me trying to bore you with every single detail of my life.
A 'grocery bag' or "matkasse" is a bag filled with groceries enough for 4 dinners, including the recipes. You save money, time and it's fun trying new things.

So far it's been really tasty, and easy - although, Anna-Karin would have wanted some more bacon today.

I am, however, dreading the fish dish....

SO, great news. Sophia is Swedish. We received the papers today with her national identification number, and Swedish birth certificate.
This means that Sophia and I will be heading down town tomorrow to go get the whole maternity leave money thing going...


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