I miss it, us and everything. But it's awesome here and I don't regret coming here at all. New experiences makes you grow as a person, and I need to grow! (0;

Of course I forgot most of them now... all of them actually, except that I wanted to explain the Turkish obsession with Atatürk.
More about that in the morning, since I don't know much about him except that he's extremely loved and appreciated here, which I've noticed throu the numerous posters, statues and souvenirs that are up and around the country.
Anyways, I blame the wine and the champagne for making me forget the rest. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow! I'll try to write it down somewhere, maybe in my new Atatürk agenda(?!), when I think about it.
Also, I just managed to break my camera! DISASTER!!! I'm addicted to taking photos! Hopefully it's fixable, time (and money) will tell I suppose.
A plus... et bonne nuit!
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