This week I realized how much I really appreciate them.
The few that were updated on my health problems were there when I really needed them, and are still there when it's though, because it always will be.
The ones that didn't know are amazing at making me forget, if only a few minutes, those minutes are awesome for me!
People need people. Very easy, now it becomes a bit more complicated when you feel depressed.
When you are depressed or down you push people away, even your closest friends, in order to sit and feel sorry for yourself
(don't get upset, I've been depressed, I know what I'm talking about, and you do feel sorry for yourself)
And as you sit there alone and feel that you have the worst situation ever and that no one understands you, your friends live their lives, and if you don't let them in yours they will move on.
It's as easy as that, sad and horrible but true.
Anywho I bring this up because it happened to me a few years back and because of this I made sure not to go down that road again. I made sure not to go "down", because when you are there, and have isolated yourself from everyone you can't get back up by yourself.
And that's when you realize your options are pretty sucky:
well I will not go into that today, it's pretty though shit!
SO! I know I'm not the best person to keep in touch with everyone and meeting up. But that doesn't mean that I don't care, and I try to show that when we do meet up.
Love u all!

(Of course I mean more friends than the ones on the pictures, it would just take a lot of space!)
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