Friday, October 23, 2009

... so the story goes

I love feeling completely relaxed after a good few days of studying.

It feels very good to be back in the real world.
Been studying and fixing with papers and the accreditation of classes for my exchange the whole week.
So administrative papers, one assignment and a homework later I feel extremely satisfied, of course it could have been done in another way and most likely better, but I did the best out of the situation I was in and hopefully it pays off!!

Had a very productive day otherwise.
I finally got my little pink cheeks to the hairdresser to get my hair done - oh lord, it was really starting to look horrible!
Figured out and corrected the assignment
Met a lot of friends, with whom I enjoyed the sweet concept of after-work!
Went shopping... ahah... life life...

Only less awesome part of the day was the hour or so in between the hairdresser and the project deadline... it was weird...
I hate when things change, as you might know if you've been sneaking around here before, and I especially hate when good things change into bad for, according to me, a not very thought-through reason, or maybe it is, who am I to juge!?

Anywho... I liked it before, it was nice, made me incredibly happy and I was always looking forward to it...
today it was just like...
even considered canceling cus I don't like doing things I don't have to do that don't make me feel better...
but I've missed it or, I miss it... so I went... and I will try to do it again and again until my brain accepts it's "over".
Cus even thou I thought it was the perfect situation it might not have been, because, again who am I to decide?!
Just because something is good for me or because I enjoy it, does not mean it is the optimal option for, for example you.

Oh well... You can't always have everything the way you want it right!

And when I think about it, and this is the worse part...

I'm like that too!!!

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