University in Sweden isn't too demanding.
Up til now we've had only a few lectures a week, so most of the time is free, given to you by the school in order for you to study by yourself.
We're supposed to study 8h per day...and the days we have classes? Well, those hours are of course included in the 8h of studying required.
I don't think I know a single person here in Jönköping, or studying in Sweden for that matter, that studies that much.
Most of the people I know don't even go to all the lectures as they are not compulsory.
In the beginning of each quarter, when we start with new classes, I think most students decide that it is necessary to change; instead of sitting 24/7 the week before the exams, maybe it would be smarter to actually study a bit everyday!
But we never do, or perhaps we keep it up for about a week... to brag a bit I did keep it up for a while last quarter, I was up to date in every single class at one point!!
And I'm incredibly proud about that!
I'm writing about this as we today started a new quarter, and as always I'm making plans in my head I know I wont keep.
But at least I ordered my course books, and studied for about an hour in total... which does not include the 2h30 lecture we had today (making a total of 3h30, not bad!!!).
On the other hand I spent 2h eating waffles with Maz and Yulia, had dinner with Cassia, Carlos and Justus for about an hour (adding my eating time up to about the same amount of time I studied)...
Pretty sad yet a very good example of the life of an average student in Jönköping!
Anywho, got 5 exams this quarter (the normal is 2) so I need to get serious, otherwise I wont be able to go abroad in my second exchange semester, and god forbid I will have to stay in this sad sad sad city anymore than required by the school (5 months in spring 2011).
I've got 5 exams as I'm taking an extra class and well, two re-exams... taking into consideration that I'm taking 3 classes and that all three of them have a lot of lectures my schedule is gonna be pretty shitty. BUT it's only for another 3½ months and then...
I'M GONE! OFF... AWAY... *Même si j'aurais préférée rester avec toi guapo*
to a warmer freakin' country, to save money and to learn a lot of new things... mostly about life, but a bit about business administration, economics and spanish too! haha
Off to bed now!
Des gros bisous a tous!
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