If you could be anyone else in the world who would it be?
A question most people have been asked many times. Every time someone asks me this question I try to come up with someone who seemed to have an exciting life but yet is very down to earth.
Considering the fact that we usually try to come up with a celebrity or someone who did something that impressed us, we usually don't really know them, or we don't know them at all to be honest.
So during my walk today, which btw was awesome: the weather here in Jönköping has been amazing, I was trying to think about who I would have liked to be if I wasn't myself... and I came to the very simple conclusion that I only want to be myself!
Don't get me wrong, it would have been awesome being born to a rich family in some exotic country, but when you think about it...
Sweden was a great country to grow up in.
At least back in the day when I was young Sweden was safe, I don't think I ever was scared about anything seriously worse than a ghost growing up...
well to be honest once I became incredibly scared that the fires in Australia would spread and come burn my house down, but then my grams' showed me it was an island... I felt much safer then!
And the biggest problem as a teenager in Västerås was how to get a hold of alcohol, we all had the money to get alcohol as the government actually pays us to go to school, but if you didn't have an older sibling or a could steal some from your parents alcohol was almost impossible to get.
From Västerås I went to Paris, going from living in a 130 000 ppl city to a city with more habitants than Sweden was pretty impressive...
I learned the language, the culture, went to uni, worked, got friends, a boyfriend... Moving to another country is awesome, and to have been given to possibility to move to Paris with my dad was amazing.
You get a whole new perspective on life when you see and live in another culture.
However awesome Paris was I ended up in Sweden again... pretty much a grey zone. Don't remember much, and then I was moved to London.
London vs. Paris... I think it depends on which city you've been in for the longest time first. I love Paris and don't think London is even comparable to its awesomeness!!
Anywho, London thought me so many things too. I wouldn't change that time for anything in the world. I met some incredible people, some less incredible people, but as all people that you encounter in your life, whether you like it or not, they teach you something.
So when you think about it... I've lived in some pretty amazing places. But I have to say that the place that so far has made the most impact on my personality is Jönköping.
Here I accepted that I'd have to move on, I emotionally moved on and would even go so far as saying that I've lately realized I'm over it. I will never forget or forgive... but I'm not bitter anymore, which if you are aware of what I'm talking about is HUGE!
Jönköping is also where I've learned how life in Sweden really is. Growing up you don't really realize how society works, and well, as I moved when I was 18 I never really learned how things work here.
For example: How the hell do you pay a bill in Sweden!?
or When you are moving out from your flat which contracts you have to cancel. (Had to learn that one the hard way, with an electricity bill of £200, electricity I'd never used)
It also made me realize that I do not fit in here. I've become too much of a non-swede to ever really be able to melt into society here! Which is fine with me!
Anywho another place that had an enormous impact on me is Panama. I will not start on that one though, it would take forever... maybe another day!
So... summing all these factors up I realized... I wouldn't want to be anyone but myself.
Because I would never have learned what I know today, I wouldn't know that you need to cancel the electricity when you move out from a flat in Sweden while when you move in you do not have to do anything, the bill just turns up!
Everything that has happened to me, both good and bad, has shaped me into the person that I am today, and while some people would call me bitchy, rude, cold or stupid I know that I'm not, and most importantly my friends know I'm not.
Question is how Turkey will change me... hopefully I will continue to improve... maybe I will start listening to myself and learn from my mistakes!
Now on to laundry and then I'm gonna go pick up Carlos at the station, he's coming back from Denmark.
And tomorrow... I'll start making the improvements on myself and my life that I wanted to do.
Puss and kisses a todos!
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