In August last year I moved back to Sweden after having been abroad for 6 years more or less.
While living in France I dreamed, thought in and spoke french most of the time.
While in London I spoke, thought in and dreamed in English.
Now that I'm back in Sweden I still do all that in English. Or actually it depends a little bit on what I'm thinking about:
When I think about my mom or something related to my old life in Sweden I think in Swedish.
Everyday stuff: English
Anything remotely related to France: French
*Which makes my brain incredibly confused when I see that picture, it is in Paris but with my sister with whom I speak English*
I've noticed that if I wouldn't be working I wouldn't be using my Swedish except for maybe giving directions or in a store.
It's rather weird how non-Swedish I feel, and after a fika with some of my closest friends today I was reminded that I'm not considered a swede by any of them.
Our discussions are quite funny actually. We will sit there, talk about life, which at the moment is in Sweden and we will be talking about Sweden or Swedish people as if thou I'm not Swedish, and when I realize we are insulting me they reassure me by saying that I'm not Swedish. And we will go throu this almost every time we meet up.
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Sweden, it's a very nice country, social benefits, equality, rather safe.
I just don't like how Swedish people act, with strangers as well as with friends.
We don't get along the swedes and I, they're not too fond of me as I'm not awesomely impressed by them.
Of course I'm not talking about all Swedish people, I'm talking about the stereotype, which would be what the majority of the population consist of.
It's difficult to explain to someone who doesn't know them, about as difficult as it is to explain it to them!
Close-minded, racists(or to be correct: smyg-rasister)because of course "we" don't want to offend anyone!!
Try to become friends with a swede (now I'm talking about how it is in Uni) without involving alcohol, IMPOSSIBLE!!aahhhrrrgghhh!!! Annoying...
Anywho... haha... I just need to be bitter about something!
Found a song that is scarily accurate with my life
I know it is in Swedish, ironic! haha...
For you who don't understand she sings about how she's 26 (I'm almost there), living in a second-hand (maybe that doesn't work in English)rented flat, how she's got nothing to do, no fun, no friends, a smoker etc. etc.
Well, maybe doesn't fit in THAT well, but sometimes it feels as if thou it's perfect!
You can always google translate the lyrics if you feel like it, cus I wont translate all that!
Tomorrow will be a long long day... classes start at 9, got a break between 12-13 when I'm meeting up with some ppl, got another class at 13 and a class again at 15 til 17... then I've got an hour between work, gotta try to fit a fika there too!! haha.. and on top of that we've got a homework for Wednesday as well as an exam in a week or two!
Well... bitching is over for today, needed to get some things out! (0:
PUSS på er!
Hmm.. kusin va filosofisk du är.
ReplyDeleteKan det inte bara vara så att du är Helena? Spelar mindre roll vilken nationalitet du känner dig som så länge du känner dig som Helena. Det måste vara det viktigaste..
kramis Sara