Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sleep Deprived?

Since Sophia is teething - again - we're (read I) aren't getting much sleep.
For some weird reason I insist on going to bed waaay too late, midnight.
Going to bed at that time means I barely have had time to fall asleep (have a type of insomnia problem) when Sophia wakes up at 01.40 (exactly) and stay up until 4ish when she exhausted from the crying falls back asleep.

Luckily I know that this is just momentarily, while her teeth breaks through - it must hurt.
So is, momentarily I mean, the drool Niagara Falls going on on her chin.

It is almost over - maybe a week or two left and she will have two new teeth.

Life is great. Now she can chew better, good for her. So what do I get?? Except for a drooling, cranky, clingy baby - that now can bite me?

Well, you think about that and get back to me!

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