Being sick doesn't really suit me
I don't become cute or look vulnerable
Today I tried going to school, correction, I went to school
HUGE mistake
Must have scared the shit out of half of my poor fellow students
Red extremely teary eyes, extremely "fashionable" hairdo, pale and with a voice that even would scare the husband of any of those 60 year old ladies with a "smoking voice"
But I managed to finish the Micro assignment on time, as well as starting with some other things, I even went to class...
But from there it goes down
My friends decided to go against me and openly, with loud voices, told me I look like someone with the swine flu and that I shouldn't be in school
Since I felt the social responsibility of not spreading this horrible decease on my shoulders (as Jan-Olov would say) I went to the vårdcentral
First of all I got lost in there, yeah I know, not the most complicated building, you go either to the first or second floor...
maybe it was the fever, but I didn't recognize any floor, so I waited in the middle...
suddenly a doctor came and saved me, showed me to the right floor and told me to take a number and sit down
(because in Sweden, we will fight deceases, crime... well anything with number tags!!!)
There was no one else in the waiting room, 5 nurses in the reception so I figured it wouldn't take too long... well my ass yeah...
when finally they called me back, because the first time was only in order to make you believe you will get help, (she actually only told me I look like shit and asked me to sit down again)
Once again I am told I look like shit, have gotten used to it by now, probably heard it 20 times today, and the lady asks me if I've got a fever, well I don't know if I have a fever since I don't have the thing to take the temperature, but I told her I assume I do, which she decided to agree on, because checking it would have been too much to ask right?!?!
Anywho,we quickly came to the conclusion that it's either the swine flu or a really really bad cold (genius right!?) and that the only thing to do is to stay at home, drink water and take different kinds of pain killers!

Isn't it too cute!?? I wouldn't mind being a baby piglet, hopefully someone would hug me then at least!
All this took me an hour, even thou I was the only person in the waiting room and they didn't actually do anything but ask me a couple of questions... effectiveness at its greatest!
So here I am, at home, drinking a soda based on water and after having taken one pill my fever went down (it's back up again thou, but still)...
Swedish doctors are the shit!