The routine continues: Cooking-homework-grocery stores-cooking...
But it's been a nice week.
On Thursday we went to Chapala; a lake about 1h away from Guadalajara. It was really nice, and it was even nicer that Daniel could come with us... it's nice for him to be able to see something else than the walls of our apartment.
We had some beers, lunch and some pretty good laughs.
It was Daniel, Memo, Gabriel, his girlfriend Valerie (?) and me... apparently one is supposed to eat seafood while in Chapala, but since I have mixed feelings about eating pee I got myself a burger...
A few beers later Talloz and Patrick showed up.
They had had a few more drinks than we had... maybe a way for them to deal with their hangovers from the Bicentenario celebrations; they stormed a stage with Mariachies...
We went back to Gdl and I received an amazing email from my mother... which had to be celebrated.
The celebration was a bit delayed as Patrick was stopped by the cops, but 200 pesos later (€10 ish) we got to the night club... Americas I think it was. Martin was there, he's also from JIBS, but is doing his exchange in Monterrey.
Yesterday a few of the house members were "tired"... so while they slept away the day, I was on skype with the family to talk about the amazing news.
Late afternoon I went to Grand Plaza, someone needed shorts and shoes... none of which were found... but we did go see Resident Evil 4 - We managed to get some free tickets while walking around.
I would not recommend it, but hey... who am I to judge!?
While in the movies I received another email from my mom...
The hell was over for my sister... baby Vincent was born around 2 am Swedish time on the 18th of September!!!!
I really do wish I could be there... I hope she knows I am thinking about her, but hopefully we can talk soon.
Today is a pool day... the whole day is actually dedicated to baby Vincent... and then we will celebrate the beginning of his life with good food and maybe a beer or two.
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