TelCel is my cellphone company.
You do not have much choice here in Mexico, there are only a few to choose from, much like Turkey to be honest.
Other similarities to Turkey; it's expensive as shit, and coverage SUCKS!
I hate TelCel.
When cell phone companies in Europe make their fees cheaper, TelCel does the opposite.
F*ck you Carlos Slim.
If you want to be an expensive cell phone company, then you make sure you have coverage everywhere, including the Tec campus, make sure your services always work.
Ass F*cks... but again, I paid my (more expensive) phone shit, and it now works.
I do not appreciate, having, as I said yesterday, 500 pesos, check my saldo, try to pay my, before 450 peso fee, only to realize, they are now charging 499 for it, and my saldo, after having checked it (ironically) is 498... I had to go to 7Eleven, at 11 this morning.
And considering that I didnt sleep shit last night because over fever and fever f*cking cramps, cough and shit I wasn't really up for it.
Went there anyways, almost puked on the way, don't know if that was the fever or something else...
anywho... that was maybe not the best post in a while... but I dont care, the world needs to know about these M f*ckers... Carlos Slim, My ass...
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