Wednesday, March 20, 2013


It's like a race.
I/we are running to get everything done.
Tomorrow we need to go for my residence permit, but i need to take photo first - but when. Memo isn't really known to joyfully do things for others, and does not like me to take a cab
the option is to take 3 times more expensive pictures tomorrow.

We need to get a permit in order for me to be able to leave the country with Sophia without memo - memo doesn't really want to pay so he wants to double check if that really is true.
It does suck to have to pay for it, but it needs to be done.

So in order to get my mind off these things i baked chocolate cupcakes today (recipe later) and made meatballs.

Mums.. Lets hope memo come back from fixing his new phone soon.

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