Thursday, December 8, 2011


My luck today is bad...

Nails fucked up, food burnt, gingerbread man broke... I blame it on the 4h I was awake between 2 - 6 am for no apparent reason.
I kept busy with: - hilarious at times!

Our new tickets are supposed to be in Memo's inbox as I write, and I am anxious to see whether they managed to spell any of the names right this time.

So I still don't feel too comfortable in my darker hair, but I guess I will get used to it.
Those who know, how do I go back to being blond?
Do I need to wait for this to grow out or what?

Blond looks better, according to me.
With time I will go back to looking like myself - have my clothes back, my body and my hair!!!

Can't wait!


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