Saturday, August 21, 2010


Daniel's self portrait
Last week it was Friday the 13th, today it's not.
Last week nothing bad happened to me on the Friday, I bet you that today it will!

The day hasn't been too exciting so far.
The usual; 1h walk, shower, now I am listening to Maná, very nice I have to say, of course accompanied by a cold bottle of Coke Zero and some other accessories, not to be mentioned here since I've bragged about quitting, anywho, it's Friday, and I am alone!
The only thing missing is my friend Wine!

No specific plans for tonight, Talloz woke me up this morning telling me he would call back later with some plans for tonight, I was also hoping on meeting up with Juan Luis since he is leaving soon and we usually don't have that many occasions to meet up.

Other than that we have acquired a few new wall ornaments; Daniels x-ray and his self portrait.
Daniel's X-rays
Amazing, interesting and intriguing art.
The self portrait was made because he was asked to for one of his (university) classes.
The x-ray was ordered by Aldo since Daniels knee was still hurting 8 days after "the incident".
Anywho, hopefully he will be better soon, Aldo said maybe 1 month of recovery!

After my walk I watched "Grey Gardens" a movie I've tried to finish for the past week. Now, it's not a bad movie, when I say tried to watch it, I mean that I usually listen to a movie or a show while trying to fall asleep, "Grey Gardens" was this weeks choice.
It's with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lang, you should watch it, it's a sad (not as crying, but upsetting) story.

Now I will do my nails, which is very much needed!


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