Tuesday, March 2, 2010

J - 29½

As you might now I skipped class this morning and stayed in bed, half studying Macro, half resting.
Still feeling a bit iffy, got a cold n can't really sleep properly! )0:

But today was a good day.

22c n sunny! It was so warm!
I walked to Tunus, took me about 35 - 40 min since I stopped from time to time to take pictures!
To your right you have both the temperature of today as well as the hill I always complain about here, i.e. the reason I don't walk home...

Otherwise today was a pretty eventless day, found out the only class I have tomorrow is canceled so I get a day off....
Juste comme ca... Not bad, I'm very happy.
Bettina and I are going to the Cepa mall for lunch, KFC... haha... and then we're going to the supermarket! YAY!!
Maybe we'll stop at some other places too!

For sure tomorrow I'm going to the pool, and will maybe be doing some kinda studying. We'll see!

Now I'm off to talk to Fredrik, and well, trying to call my mom but seems as if thou she's ignoring her computer!


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