It's been quite a while, j'avoue, but I've been a bit busy.

Honestly, and without intentionally insulting anyone, this was the crappiest vacation I've had.
Not a single day of rest, of doing something for myself, or something that I wanted to do.
Now don't get me wrong, I loved seeing everyone I actually managed to meet up with, BUT, considering my schedule here in Turkey I would really have needed a couple of days just doing nothing.
Without the constant stress of knowing that I actually was supposed to meet up with X then Y, and at the same time do the paper work I had to do... and also maybe try to study for the midterms and project that are due in a week-ish.
My trip started out with meeting up with Cassia in the library.
It was awesome seeing her, and within a couple of minutes it was as if thou we'd never left.
The day went on and we talked, I went to Harry's to say "coucou" since Hemmakväll was closed and I couldn't get my hourly dose of coke...(the drink)
Next day was spent with Dia and later Tino. Fun as always. Vodka-coke in a MacDonalds cup should say it all.
BTW, why go to Centrum by yourself!? There aren't many reasons are there, especially not for guy on a friday... Vraiment pathetique... We danced salsa and ignored all the 16 year olds who were being stalked by the very pathetic older guys, only looking to get laid.

Saturday I went "home" aka Västerås.
I love my mamma. I ate mashed potatos and meat... Lapskojs. Amazingly divine!! Can still feel the taste in my mouth!!
Sunday was spent in Virsbo at my cousins' it was very nice. They still had more snow than I've ever seen... pretty cool.
Days in Västerås passed quickly, I was constantly doing something. Fixing the computer, seeing the sister, fixing her stuff...
So wednesday came fast. Back to JKPG.
Didn't do much. Hung out with Tino and Cassia.
The next day we all prepared for Caj; going to systemet.
But before that I had some paper work to do.
By this time I was extremly stress.
Which of course ended up with me getting a migrain.
Thou the migrain was so bad I had to go to the hospital in the middle of Caj cus of the pain. Stayed the night, got myself some morphine, an IV and they also wanted to see inside my head = I was shipped to radiology.
Came out normal... I know, can you believe it.
So they wanted to test my bonemarrow, I said no.
Came home and all of a sudden it was my last day. God, 10 days passes fast huh!
At this point I'd met up with Cassia, Nastia, Dia, Yulia, Tino and many more.
On to the last night. Calm pre-party talk at Tino's, then off to Lina's B-day.
And well that's my trip, the night passed by quickly and the next morning at 9 I left "the windy city!
I have some remarks;
Be greatful for what you have, stop always wanting more.
If someone makes some kinda effort to make your life better, say thank you. Don't demand miracles!
I realized my friends are amazing.

Seeing how other people get treated by theirs made me so very happy I have mine.
I mean, how can you not celebrate your friends b-day!?
How can you not say bye before leaving the same restaurant when it's the persons birthday. How can you under any pretext say that you don't wanna do something at night when it's that persons special day.
Na... those are selfish people.
At least my wonderful friends and I welcomed the person to our little party...
thou back to the first point: be greatful. After someone stands up for you, making sure there was some special features of you birthday, you don't act like that... ridiculous.
AHHHH, mon coeur est moins lourd!!!
Today I found out I have a midterm on wednesday; Micro... not good! Gotta study tomorrow after my Macro presentation. Was studying Innvation today in school when I fell asleep in the hall way on a chair... a 1h nap... in the middle of the school. Not bad.
There's more to the trip, but right now I've got a bit of a fever and am so tired I don't have the energy.
BTW, if you have a look just below this you will see some reaction boxes. The blog thought I should have one so now I do... feel free to check whatever... thou be nice!