The day has been extremely beautiful.
Not a cloud on the sky (still) and an increadibly sun.
If you read the earlier post you know I wanted to do something.
We didn't. This is what we did.
* We went to have lunch. While eating we looked at the people praying outside of the mosque.
This is quite interesting actually. I never understood why they are building new ones everywhere when no one ever goes (this I know since we have one just down our house, very disturbing during the prayers)?
Well maybe it is because for the friday mid day mass/prayer the mosques are full.
The one across the street from the restaurant was so full people were, as I said, outside praying.
I would have taken a picture, but I didn't feel it was appropriate... and well, also I didn't have my camera (the first excuse is there just because it looks good).
* Then we went to Migros (grocery store) where, in accordance to our shopping habits we got beer, but on top of that we also got tomatos, cheese and salad. We're improving.
No longer are we shopping like bachelors, or how some people called it; homeless people.
* After that our excursion was over (about 1½h). We went home. I installed myself comfortably on the balcony. Shorts and tank top, no bikini today.
While enjoying the sun I read an article for my innovation paper but quickly abandonned since the tunes of Dave Matthews Band got me thinking about other things.
So instead I got some Economists; randomly read some articles while watching the turks working on the climbing wall.
This climbing wall is a subject of its own.
It has been half done for 3 months... they worked on it for a while just when I'd gotten here but quickly stopped.
Today they started again.
Well, they put up banners and posters, arranged some tables and chairs. We thought they would open it up.
But of course they didn't.
First of all, arranging all of the above (answer E, haha) took them the whole day, this would, in a different place have taken tops 2h.
But you know, the turks like to sit around in the shadow and rest.
And why not I say.
I like to rest too, maybe not in the shadow, but resting is underestimated.
Anywho, pappa is preparing a bbq, after that i'll b out n about.
* Found a picture of what they wanted Park Vadi to look like... it doesn't look like that...
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