Today started out good.
As I wrote earlier, the exam went good.
In fact, everything was fine until I went to the library. Then my luck turned.
I got a phone call.
Now, what you need to know is that; I never get phone calls.
Not only because I am unpopular because of my negative attitude (hihi) but also: because of this negative attitude I haven't been giving out my cell phone number.
3-4 people have it.
And I have theirs.
So when a number that I couldn't recognize called I became curious.
I should have known nothing good comes out from numbers you don't recognize.
It was DHL.
My phone finally reach Turkey.
Now many of you might wonder why this in any why could be negative. Well I will tell you.
Since someone, and no names will be mentioned out of respect, decided it would be a good idea to put down the price of the phone on the statement the Turkish customs, of course, will need me to pay for gettin it sent here.
I specifically asked the person NOT to write it there since I knew this would happen. But some people don't listen. Which I now have to take the consequence of.
So my phone is currently in the Ataturk airport in Istanbul and DHL would appreciate it if I came there to make the customs clearance. This I told him would not be possible since I am living in Ankara.
He then informed me that my option was to pay the tl 130 (€65) only to get it sent to the customs office in Ankara.
I will then have to go to Esenboga airport (about an hour from here) for a some sort of interview with the customs managers and then I will have to pay tl 150 (€75) in order to take the phone home.
Now in order to pay them all this money I will have to go to a bank and make a transfer to some account.
GOD.... I am VERY VERY pissed off. I mean... seriously!?
Anywho, I left the library angry and went to my Micro class.
Now this morning it took me about 30min to finish the exam (as I wrote earlier today) which means that I got out at 10.10ish.
My Micro class starts at 13.40
When I got there I was told it had been cancelled.
F**k it... I waited there for 3h3 for NOTHING.
Not happy.
Now I am back home. About to start with the Innovation homework that is due next week.
Before you click yourslef on to a different webpage, here are some pics from yesterday.
After having taken a picture people made the remark that I always smile in the same way... it is true. It is a technique I have polished since some 10 years now, this because the risk of a bad picture is lower that way!
So Giorgio said we should try to do the opposit. Him smiling, me being serious. This is the result.
Puss, et a plus
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