The exam today went fine.
There was only one question to which I could not find the ccorresponding article(s).
I made some type of logic out of my answer anyways.
I don't know if I ever wrote about it here, but for the 15 first articles we had to read I was an increadibly effective and serious student and made summaries.
At some point I sent these summaries to Benoit since he had fallen a bit behind on his readings (he hadn't read a single one of them until very recently).
After the exam today I went out for, what some (read me), would call a celebratory cigarette.
It was a very good one, for those who wondered.
While I was standing there, enjoying the sun, a girl started talking to me about the exam. To be honest I had never seen her before, not in class nor anywhere else.
And there, all of a sudden, bluntly, she asks me if I'm the girl who had prepared the summaries.
I told her I wasn't sure; that, effectivly, I had prepared summaries, but that as far as I knew (know) I hadn't shared them with anybody BUT Benoit.
She asked for my name, for a split second I felt like making one up (because sometimes that's fun) but no one was there to witness my humor (except for her, but yeah... no).
On hearing my name she confirmed that I was the exchange student who had (kindly) shared my precious knowledge with well, many other students.
So when Benoit came outside this had to be cleared up.
Benoit confessed to having shared them with Akin, who obviously shared then with someone (could be plural) else who in turn shared them with another 6-7 people.
And who knows how long that went on for.
Quite hilarious I have to say. I am still a bit amazed that people used my summaries (they're not that good).
Anywho, today it was supposed to be rainy.
It is not. And since I am not as intelligent as I might seem (to the rest of the students in innovation managament) I decided that it would be a good idea to study for the CCM exam out on the blacony, in a bikini.
This was decided EVEN THOU I still have some sort of weird sun burn (concentrated on my nose). Sometimes I amaze myself with how I ignore my own advice on wellbeing.
My ass hurts btw... I walked down to Tunus two days in a row and now my "muscles" ace as hell. It feels as if thou I'm walking around like duck.
Oh well... This post was only in order for me to get a break from CCM. Now I gotta get back to that.
But I will tell you some more anecdotes about the Ankara life before going out. I have something on my mind... so...
Ps. The picture of this post is from the trip to Salen in Jan. It's quite funny.
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