Memo, Daniel and I decided to drive to Mexico City, a 5-7h drive (depending on traffic).
It felt really nice to be back in a "big city", Guadalajara feels more like a town in some way, no real high buildings etc.
We stayed at Memo's friends Erika's house. A nice little place with cute stickers on the walls, we took the Metro and Metro Bus to go down town.
There we met Mr Chepo, a long lost friend from Jönköping, whom I haven't seen in about 2 years, we walked around, looked at buildings and churches, also ruins, shorts Mexicans and boats at a museum.
In order to continue to boat experience it was decided to go to some lake/river placed in the south of the city.
There were colourful boats and a lot of people.
It was cold, but Daniel and I decided to warm our self up Swedish style = Beer, whereas the Mexican opted for socks and leg warmers!
Yesterday, Sunday, we made it to Reforma 222 all on our own, without any local guide, there we met up with Eduardo, who used to live with Cassia and me back in old Suecia, it was really nice!
We all drove to some part of the city where we walked around, looked at houses, there were markets, a Guiness world record attempt and Mexican food.
We stayed there many hours, and then went to a mall, walked around for a bit, and from there "home" bound...
Today we went to the mall in Santa Fe, met up with Luis, another lost friend from Jönköping, and Eduardo.
We had lunch and then drove back to Guadalajara.
The weather was awesome. Perfect, not too warm day time, around 25-27, sunny, and chilly nights, just like here.
I have no complaints about the city what so ever!
So got back home an hour ago, after a 5h drive back here, with only 2 quick stops, and a million tolls...
Now it's time for desperate housewives and after that bed!
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